项目名称: 软磁/硬磁交换耦合梯度型纳米点阵列与反点阵列的可控制备与研究
项目编号: No.11274214
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 许小红
作者单位: 山西师范大学
项目金额: 95万元
中文摘要: 本项目选用具有高各向异性常数(Ku)的L10-FePt为硬磁层,选用与之结构相匹配且Ku值低的Fe为软磁层,以孔径、孔间距和厚度可调控的AAO模板/Si为图形化基片,采用在线基片加温的磁控溅射方法制备出L10-FePt(硬磁)/Fe(软磁)交换耦合梯度的纳米点阵列与反点阵列,并使其具有高的热稳定性、高的信噪比和低的写入场。研究点阵列中的点阵尺寸和间距对其矫顽力、点阵间的磁相互作用以及开关场分布等的影响;研究反点阵列中的孔径和孔间距对其钉扎场、磁畴尺寸和磁各向异性的调制作用;并结合微磁模拟揭示其磁化反转机制和信噪比增强机制。这些研究成果将对实现1Tbit/in.2以上超高密度图形化垂直磁存储提供重要的实验指导。
中文关键词: AAO模板;交换耦合;点阵列;反点阵列;磁化反转机制
英文摘要: In this proposal, we use magnetron sputtering with in-situ substrate heating to deposite L10-FePt with high magnetic anisotropy value (Ku) and Fe with low Ku on the Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) Templates/Sillicon substrates. By controling the substrate temperature, we can fabricate the L10-FePt(hard)/Fe(soft) exchange coupled graded nanodot arrays and nano-antidot arrays with the high thermal stability, high signal-to-nosie ratio and low writing field. We investigate the influence of the size and seperation of pillars on the coercivity, the dipole-dipole interaction between pillars and the switching field distribution in the arrays. We also study the dependence of the pore size and the inter-pore distance on the pinning field, domain wall size and magnetic anistropy in the antidot arrays. We also carry out the micromagnetic simulation to further explore the mechanism of magnetization reversal and signal-to-noise enhancement. These results will provid an important experimental guide for realizing the application of the above patterned nanodot arrays and nano-antidot arrays in ultrahigh density beyond 1Tbit/in.2 magnetic recording media.
英文关键词: AAO tempelates;Exchange coupled;nano-dot-arrays;nano-antidot-arrays;Magnetic reversal mechanism