项目名称: 大亚湾反符合探测器研究
项目编号: No.11205174
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 路浩奇
作者单位: 中国科学院高能物理研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 大亚湾反应堆中微子实验的主要科学目标是测量中微子混合角θ13 至sin22θ13<0.01 的精度。要达到如此高的精度,实验要求极低的本底,而实验中主要本底均与宇宙线直接相关,因此实验设计以双层水契仑科夫探测器为主和阻性板探测器为辅的反符合系统来共同探测宇宙线。双层的水契仑科夫探测器是主要的反符合系统,极低的本底直接依赖于对水契仑科夫探测器性能的理解,本项目拟对水契仑科夫探测器性能进行详细的研究,包括水契仑科夫探测器的模拟,水衰减长度的研究。实验中大型水契仑科夫探测器的使用在国内尚属首次,因此基于大亚湾大型水契仑科夫探测器的研究,将为国内大型水契仑科夫探测器研究和发展积累宝贵的经验和技术,对以后国内相关类型探测器的研究和发展具有重要的指导意义。实验最终本底由反符合探测器的效率决定,本项目拟对多重反符合探测器的联合探测效率进行研究,结果将直接影响实验本底的大小和θ13灵敏度的计算。
中文关键词: 水契仑科夫探测器;大亚湾实验;反射;探测器;
英文摘要: The goal of Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is to measure mixing angle sin22theta13 to 0.01. To do such high precision measurement, extreamly low background is required for the experiment. The main background are all from cosmic muons. The multi-layer water Cerenkov detectors and resistive plate chamber (RPC) detector are designed for veto systems to reduce background. The mulit-layer water Cerenkov detectors is the main veto detector. Very good understanding of the water Cerenkov detectors is the demand for precise background measurement. This project will do detailed study about water Cerenkov detectors,including detector simluation,water attenuation length study. The application of large size water Cerenkov detectors in experiment is the first time in China. The research based on Daya Bay water Cerenkov detectors will provide very precious experience and technology for future large size water Cerenkov detector developement in China. The background is determined by the veto system performance, this project will do the study of efficiency combination by multi-detectors. The background and sensitivity of theta13 will be effected by the results.
英文关键词: water Cherenkov detector;Daya bay experiment;reflectivity;detector;