项目名称: 离心泵进口畸变流诱导噪声作用机理研究
项目编号: No.51509108
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 司乔瑞
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 控制离心泵运行时产生的噪声对环境保护和解决船舰等隐秘性问题至关重要。由于离心泵内部不稳定流动的复杂性,国内外还未能很好地揭示其进口畸变流引起的流场特性及其诱导噪声的作用机理。本项目将针对离心泵进口不稳定来流、回流和叶片前缘空化等引起的畸变流场特性与流致噪声之间的关系进行深入研究。首先基于某离心泵模型,结合高速摄影和流场数值模拟进行进口流场的流态显示,获得不同入流条件和不同流量下进口流场畸变的规律;其次发展四端网络声学模型以解决管道系统和离心泵流动噪声源之间的耦合问题,并结合流场压力脉动和辐射噪声信号的动态采集定量解析模型泵进口流场畸变时的声学特性;然后建立模型泵全流道流场求解策略,开发考虑泵体声振耦合作用后的离心泵流致噪声仿真程序;最后通过分析数值计算和实验结果,揭示离心泵进口畸变流诱导噪声的作用机理,为丰富和发展离心泵内部流动理论、提高我国离心泵低噪声设计水平提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 离心泵;进口畸变;流动诱导噪声;声振耦合;机理研究
英文摘要: The control of the flow-induced noise in centrifugal pumps is very important for both environmental protection and military operation. Due to the complexity flow characteristic within centrifugal pumps, it is nearly blank for the researchers on the noise generation mechanism caused by inlet distortion of a centrifugal pump. This project will focus on the relationship between the flow-induced noise and distortion flow originated from import instability flow, backflow from the impeller and leading edge cavitation. Firstly, for a centrifugal pump model, the flow distortion characteristic at inlet field will be visualized by the high-speed photography techniques combined with numerical simulation under different flow rates and different types of import flow; Secondly, a new method based on the two-port transmission model for quantifying the source of flow dynamic noise in centrifugal pumps will be developed to solve the disturbance from the pipe. Combined with dynamic signal collection such as pressure pulsation and radiated noise, acoustic analysis in the frequency domain will be processed for this inlet distortion flow field characteristics; Thirdly, a full flow field pump model will be built to calculate the internal flow field and process acoustic simulation of centrifugal pumps taking vibro-acoustic interaction effect into account; Finally, the noise generation mechanism caused by the inlet distortion of centrifugal pumps will be revealed based on the numerical and experimental results. The project will provide a theoretical basis to enrich the internal flow theory and develop a low-noise design method of centrifugal pumps.
英文关键词: centrifugal pump;inlet distortion;flow-induced noise;vibro-acoustic interaction;mechanism research