项目名称: 面向力学-经验法的沥青道面交通荷载空间分析方法
项目编号: No.U1233123
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 袁捷
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 38万元
中文摘要: 力学-经验型沥青道面设计方法通过建立交通荷载、道面结构、设计指标和使用性能之间的量化关系计算道面结构厚度。交通荷载分析中不仅需要考虑不同机型通行叠加和轮迹横向偏移叠加效应,而且需要分析多轮荷载在沥青道面内的结构响应叠加效应,将传统交通荷载分析方法的范围从一维断面拓展到三维空间。项目围绕沥青道面轮辙和疲劳控制指标,以应变/应力作用次数分析为核心,沿用混合交通的概念考虑不同机型通行叠加效应;采用非接触式技术更新轮迹数据,补充完善轮迹横向偏移分布规律;通过系统总结沥青道面空间结构响应前期成果,研究多轮荷载叠加效应对结构响应的影响。在此基础上,采用统计分析、实例对比等研究手段提炼交通荷载空间分析的有关参数,并编制交通荷载空间分析程序,形成能够适应大型飞机、面向力学-经验法的沥青道面交通荷载空间分析方法,以更精确地表达沥青道面结构响应作用次数。可为我国沥青道面力学-经验型设计方法的建立提供技术储备。
中文关键词: 沥青道面;轮迹横向偏移;道面空间响应;性能预估模型;简化算法
英文摘要: The thickness design of airport pavement depends largely on traffic load, pavement structure, design specifications and target performance levels in M-E Method. Not only the lateral accumulative effect of different aircraft should be counted in traffic load analysis, but also the vertical accumulative effect of different loading gears should be considered, which is an evolution of traditional traffic load analysis from one dimension to three dimensions. In this research, the following innovations are initiated. Accumulative effect of different aircraft is decomposed on the base of loading times of strain/stress according to its contributions to rutting and fatigue cracking. Non-contact technology is adopted in wheel track data update to take traffic wandering into account. The vertical accumulative effect of different loading gears is cumulated on structural response basis. And based on the above analysis, statistical analysis and example comparison approaches could usefully be adopted to determine spatial analysis parameters of traffic load. M-E method oriented spatial analysis of traffic load for airport asphalt pavement design is proposed to simulate structural response with precision. The research results of this project could be used as technical preparations for M-E airport asphalt pavement design in Chin
英文关键词: asphalt airport pavement;wheelpath lateral offset;spatial response of pavement;performance prediction model;simplification algorithm