项目名称: 弹性管壁和脉动流体相互作用机制超声研究
项目编号: No.11272329
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 钱明
作者单位: 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 心血管病有极高的患病、致残和致死率。从战略前瞻性考虑,急需探索血管早期病变机制并发展诊断方法,以提高治愈率和降低治疗费用。血管早期病征为血管弹性降低和血流运动变异,不易被察觉,同时弹性血管和脉动血流相互作用的机制仍不明朗。目前尚无合适的方法或工具以开展深入的研究。本项目将制备血管仿体和建立模拟流体系统,研究超声血管弹性/血流双模成像方法,实现对血管弹性和血流运动参数的同步精确测量,理解弹性血管和脉动血流相互作用的机制。具体包括:1)制备不同弹性的血管仿体并构建脉动流体循环系统,以模拟真实血管及血流运动;2)研究超声双模成像方法,通过对血管及造影血流超声图像的高帧速采集和个性化互相关分析,同步精确获取血管弹性及血流运动参数;3)通过更换流体系统中的血管仿体,研究血管弹性改变时血管和血流运动特性的演变,研究弹性血管和脉动血流相互作用的机制。本项目的实施将为血管早期病变的诊断提供新方法和新依据。
中文关键词: 弹性管壁;脉动流体;超声弹性测量;超声流体测速;相互作用
英文摘要: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has quite high morbidity, disability, and mortality rate. From strategic forward-looking, it is urgent to explore the mechanism of how CVD evolves at early stage and to develop new diagnosing method, in order to enhance cure rate and reduce treatment cost. Early lesions, which are reduction of vascular elasticity and change of hemodynamic characteristics, are difficult to be perceived. Meanwhile, the interaction between elastic artery movement and pulsatile blood flow is still unclear. Till now, there is no method or tool that suitable for in-depth research. This project aims to fabricate elastic vessel phantoms and construct pulsatile flow circulation system, develop two-modal ultrasound imaging method, simultaneously measure vascular elasticity and hemodynamic characteristics with the aid of ultrasound imaging techniques, and understand the mechanism of how vascular elasticity and hemodynamics interact with each other. Our research can be detailed as: Firstly, elastic vessel phantoms are to be fabricated, and a fluid circulation system that contains blood pump, vessel phantom, and so on is to be constructed, so that the vessel phantom would undergo pulsatile diastole and systole like real human vessel; Secondly, a high frame rate ultrasound system is used to take consecutive images
英文关键词: elastic tube;pulsatile fluid;ultrasonic elasticity measurement;ultrasonic flow velocimetry;interaction