项目名称: ReCOB型压电晶体的力频效应及其苛刻环境下性能稳定性研究
项目编号: No.51202129
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机非金属材料学科
项目作者: 于法鹏
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 高温压电传感器由于结构简单、功耗小、寿命长、灵敏度高、可靠性好等优点在航空航天、化学合成、石油开采等领域有着重要应用。ReCa4O(BO3)3(ReCOB,Re:稀土元素)构型压电晶体具有较低的介电损耗、较高的机电耦合系数和机电性能温度稳定性,是一种具有光明应用前景的高温压电材料。 本项目主要研究ReCOB系列晶体的高温压电性能,研究高阻抗低损耗优质单晶的生长,尝试有应用背景的传感元器件制备。重点研究ErCOB、YCOB、GdCOB、NdCOB和LaCOB晶体的力频效应,及在高温低氧分压、高温真空等苛刻环境下的性能稳定性;深入研究ReCOB系列晶体的构效关系,揭示其规律性;优选具有较高力灵敏度系数且性能稳定的高温压电晶体,开展高温压力传感器用晶体切型的设计和性能优化,力争推出实用的ReCOB型高温压力传感元器件。
中文关键词: ReCOB构型晶体;压电效应;高温电弹性能;传感应用;
英文摘要: High temperature piezoelectric sensors are essential for aerospace, chemosynthesis and oil exploitation etc., due to their simple structure, low loss, long lifetime, high sensitivity and good reliabilities etc. ReCa4O(BO3)3 (ReCOB, Re: Rare-earth elements ) type piezoelectric crystals possess low dielectric loss, relatively high electromechanical coefficient and good temperature stability, and become one kind of promising high temperature piezoelectrics. In this work, high quality ReCOB single crystals with high resistivity and low loss will be grown, and their high temperature piezoelectric properties will be investigated for applicable sensing elements preparation. Particularly, stress-frequency effect will be studied for ReCOB piezoelectric crystals, including ErCOB, YCOB, GdCOB, NdCOB and LaCOB. Property stability under harsh enviroment, such as high temperature in low oxygen partial pressure, high temperature in vacuum, will be studied, to further reveal their structure-property relationships. Additionally, ReCOB crystals with high stress sensitivity coefficient and strong property stabilities will be selected. Moreover, various crystal cuts will be designed for high temperature sensors and their properties will be optimized,for ReCOB-type high temperature pressure sensing elements.
英文关键词: ReCOB type crystals;piezoelectric effect;high temperature electro-elastic properties;sensor applications;