项目名称: 多向中继通信中的网络编码算法设计以及性能研究
项目编号: No.61201201
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电子学与信息系统
项目作者: 王方刚
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 网络编码作为本世纪新兴技术,已成为多个学科领域的研究热点。目前对双向和多向中继网络编码的研究主要针对用户对称传输的问题,而实际通信系统普遍存在多用户同时进行非对称传输的情况,该情况下网络编码设计尚不明确。本课题拟研究兼容对称和非对称传输的通用多向中继通信中的网络编码算法设计。首先建立兼容两种传输的通用多向中继通信模型,在该模型基础上进一步分析多向中继信道容量,作为后续设计基于网络编码传输方案的指导思想和有效性评估手段。然后以传输有效性和公平性等为优化目标,以实际系统中发射功率上限等为约束,建立网络编码、中继技术、多天线技术,功率分配以及多用户调度等关键技术的联合优化模型,从全局最优化的角度提出多技术联合设计机制,探索兼容对称和非对称传输的通用多向中继通信中的网络编码算法以及有效的传输方案设计。本课题将为丰富网络编码理论提供思路,为网络编码技术的标准化进程与实际应用提供理论支持。
中文关键词: 多向中继;网络编码;MIMO中继;;
英文摘要: Network coding, which was invented at the beginning of this century, has become a popular research topic in multiple areas. So far the research on network coding in two-way relaying and multi-way relaying has focused on symmetric transmissions. However, there usually exist multiple users transmitting simultaneously in an asymmetric manner in practical communication systems. In this case, the network coding design is not clear. In this project, the network coding design will be investigated in a general multi-way relaying model consisting of both symmetric and asymmetric transmissions. We aim to establish a general multi-way relaying model, which realizes both manners of transmission. Based on the proposed model, the capacity of this channel will be analyzed and the results will be used to inspire the network coding design and evaluate the proposed transmission schemes. Then we use the transmission efficiency and the fairness as the objectives, and consider practical constraints, such as the transmit power. A multi-objective optimization problem will be formulated by joint design of network coding, relaying schemes, MIMO schemes, power allocation, and multi-user scheduling, etc. The methodology of joint design of multiple techniques will be proposed to seek the global optima of the optimization problem. The netwo
英文关键词: Multi-way relay;network coding;MIMO relay;;