项目名称: 基于软件定义无线网络的虚拟多径攻击检测与防御技术研究
项目编号: No.61501482
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 胡罡
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科技大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 虚拟多径攻击是无线局域网中的一种新型安全威胁,目前难以实现对其攻击源的检测与定位,因而成为业界关注的新挑战。而近年来出现的软件定义网络(SDN)作为控制平面与数据平面分离的网络架构,正好可以成为解决安全威胁的新途径。SDN不仅能有效降低网络部署与管理的成本,满足开放性、可演进性等需求,更具备了从无线信号层面来进行精准分析与网络管理的能力,使得未来的网络更加安全可靠。本项目围绕软件定义无线网络的多径信号异常检测与防御问题展开研究,具体研究内容包括:检测网络的最优部署机制、虚拟多路径攻击的协同检测与定位、虚拟多径攻击的防御机制等。研究目标是确保能对发起虚拟多路径攻击的攻击源进行快速定位,具备对受攻击源影响的合法流量进行资源重置能力。通过构建一个基于软件定义网络交换机及软件无线电为核心的无线网络原型,实现虚拟多径攻击,并验证本项目提出的模型及技术。本项研究将为有效防御新型无线网络的威胁提供参考。
中文关键词: 软件定义无线网络;虚拟多径攻击;协同通信;位置管理;资源重构
英文摘要: Virtual multipath camouflage is a novel security threat of the WLAN. The commodity WLAN systems can’t provide efficient detection and localization of the attacker, then it is now being a new challenge in the domain. As a novel network architecture, software defined network’s control plane and data plane are separately designed, which could become a new method to solve security problems. SDN is not only capable of reducing the cost of network deployment and management which can meet the requirement of the network’s demands for openness and evolution, but also be able to analyzing and managing the wireless channel signals, providing stronger security and reliability for the network. This program focuses on the detection and defense problem for abnormal detection of multipath signals, includes: optimal deployment scheme for detection network, cooperative detection and localization of virtual multipath camouflage, defense scheme of virtual multipath camouflage. The target of this program is to be able to localize the attacker efficiently, and reconfigure the resource for the legal traffics. By constructing a wireless system based on SDN switches and SDR, we will realize the virtual multipath camouflage attack, verify the models and technologies that proposed in the program. The research will provide reference for the design of secure management under novel wireless threats.
英文关键词: Software Defined Wireless Network;Virtual Multipath Camouflage;Cooperative communication;Location Management;Resource Reconfiguration