项目名称: 自维护的混杂式传感器网络部署策略研究
项目编号: No.60803109
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 李石坚
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 混杂式传感网由大量普通传感器和少量特殊传感器构成,在容错性、环境适应性和性价比等方面优于传统传感网。节点部署直接影响混杂式传感网工作性能,是该领域的重要基础性理论问题之一。针对该问题,本课题拟在对传感器工作模型和工作环境仿真建模的基础上,基于探测概率等高线图和测试消息机制,实现对覆盖空洞和断裂链接两类典型部署漏洞的自检测;并通过将节点调度策略问题转化为一组“#33410;点—#37096;署漏洞”#30340;多目标指派问题,实现基于最优损益的部署漏洞自修补;基于对节点信息采集质量和节点可替代程度的计算结果,对节点重要性进行评测,并调度冗余节点实现对重要节点的保护;最后,通过基于自主控制思想的传感器部署自维护机制整合前述各种算法和策略,实现面向全网的部署性能自动优化,并进一步构造软硬件仿真平台对上述部署策略进行分析、评价和再优化。项目成果可直接改善混杂式传感网的数据获取和通信能力,有助于进一步推动传感器网络从概念走向应用。
中文关键词: 混杂式传感网;传感器布局;部署漏洞检测;传感器保护
英文摘要: Hybrid Sensor Network(HSN) is composed with many normal sensors and relative few special sensors. HSN shows many advantages camparing to tranditional sensor networks. The sensor deployment is a basically theory problem of HSN. Firstly, the proposal will create the simulation model of sensor and environment. Based on the model, some methods based on probability contour and testing message will be brought forward to detect the topological holes and broken links. Moreover, the sensor deployment problem will be converted to a set of assignment problems which will dispatch mobile nodes to deployment fault locations. At the same time, the proposal will evaluate the importance of sensors based on the quality of information gathered by the them. After that, some redundant nodes will be redeployed to protect the important sensors. When finished the mentioned research work, the proposal will construct a simulation platform to integrate all the results and evulate them. The proposed project will help to improve the abilities of gathering information and communication of HSN, and help to drive the sensor network from concept to application.
英文关键词: Hybrid sensor network; sensor deployment; deployment hole detection; sensor protection