项目名称: 用于系外行星成像的非冗余孔径掩模关键技术研究
项目编号: No.11473047
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 吴桢
作者单位: 中国科学院国家天文台南京天文光学技术研究所
项目金额: 98万元
中文摘要: 对太阳系外行星直接进行成像观测是当今天文观测的热点问题也是最具挑战性的课题之一。为了实现对系外行星的成像观测,必须解决高对比度和高分辨率的难题。望远镜的衍射极限为1.22λ/D,限制了现有成像技术的的最小分辨率。 将非冗余孔径掩模安装在望远镜的瞳面上,模仿由彼此分离的子孔径单元构成的干涉阵,提供了一种高对比度、超衍射极限的高分辨率成像技术。本项目将对其关键技术进行研究,包括实现高对比度的闭合相位技术,实现高分辨率频域处理技术,将其用于系外行星成像,成像角间距为0.5λ/D - 4λ/D,对比度达到1/10000-1/100000。 此技术易于添加到地基/空基全口径望远镜上,增加了望远镜高分辨率的能力,能够对小于衍射极限的角间距的高对比度伴星进行成像,对系外行星系统以及星的演化进行研究,这并不需要牺牲望远镜在天文物理观测方面的广泛用途。
中文关键词: 太阳系外行星;非冗余孔径掩模;超分辨率成像;高分辨率;高对比度成像
英文摘要: Searching for faint companions around bright nearby stars is one of the most challenging goals of today's astronomy. This requires high-contrast and high-angular resolution imaging. The angular resolution is ultimately constrained by the diffraction of the telescope, in order to super-resolution imaging, we can use the optical interferometry. Designed the non-redundant aperture mask is installed in the existing telescope pupil plane, it simulates the array composed of the separate sub-apertures, and provides a high contrast, high resolution imaging technology. By studying this project, we will master non-redundant aperture mask interferometry image processing methods, achieve high contrast closure phase technology, which is used to detect extrasolar planets, able to detect the range of 0.5 λ /D -4λ /D, the contrast to 1/10000-1/100000. This technique is easy to add to the ground / space-based telescopes, increased high-resolution capability, it does not need to sacrifice its widespread use in the astrophysical observation area.
英文关键词: extrasolar planets;non-redundant aperture mask;super resolution imaging;high angular resolution;high contrast imaging