项目名称: 基于寿命周期管理理论的镍钛根管锉疲劳折断微观机制研究
项目编号: No.81200826
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医学二处
项目作者: 侯晓玫
作者单位: 首都医科大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 镍钛器械疲劳断裂是牙体牙髓病学研究的关键问题之一,但是在临床根管治疗中各个因素如何导致镍钛器械微观变量变化的机制不清。由于在根管治疗中使用镍钛器械存在多种因素相互影响,而相关研究多集中于单一因素的离体研究,忽略了各因素非线性叠加的效果,难以起到实际临床工作的指导作用。本项目计划以寿命管理理论为基础,以根管治疗所采用的镍钛器械为研究对象,以相变分析、力学分析为主要分析方法,结合循环应力疲劳寿命测试、高分辨率显微CT扫描与数值模拟等技术手段,研究临床根管治疗过程中的热循环、应力循环、消毒冲洗液的电流腐蚀等因素在器械疲劳断裂过程中导致的微观组织的变化过程,并尝试解释临床综合因素影响下器械疲劳断裂的微观物理机制,进而对临床应用镍钛器械的疲劳断裂寿命起到预测作用。本研究将为镍钛器械的疲劳断裂物理机制研究提供实验依据,对解决根管治疗过程中镍钛器械折断的问题具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 镍钛根管锉;器械分离;疲劳寿命;显微CT;有限元分析
英文摘要: Fatigue fracture of nickel-titanium rotary instruments is one of the key problems in endodontics. However, the micro-structural mechanism of the fracture during root canal treatment remains unclear. The multi-factoral nature of the inflence exerted during the treatment makes the analysis complicated. Previous studies mainly focused on specific single factors, which lack the analysis of the nonlinear cumulative effect and lead to limited clinical signifigance. The current study is based on life management theory and focuses on the micro-structural impact on nickel-titanium rotary instruments from thermal cycles, stress cycles and corrosive effect of chemical irrigant during root canal treatment. Metallurgic analysis, stress analysis, micro-CT and numerical simulation analysis are used to clarify the micro-structural mechanism of the fracture of the instruments, which will have potential clinical signifigance to solve the problem of fatigue fracture of nickel-titanium instruments.
英文关键词: nickel-titanium endodontic instrument;instrument separation;fatigue;micro-CT;limited elementary analysis