项目名称: GaN核探测器辐照损伤机制研究
项目编号: No.61504099
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 吕玲
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 宽禁带半导体氮化镓(GaN)因其良好的物理和化学特性,以及优异的抗辐照性能,成为新一代室温核半导体探测器制备领域的热门材料,尤其在强辐射场的探测方面颇具优势。随着GaN核探测器材料生长和工艺制备水平的日趋提高,可靠性问题必然提上日程,首当其冲就是辐照损伤机制研究。本项目立足于GaN核探测器,围绕辐照缺陷对探测器影响展开攻关。通过实验,得到GaN核探测器电荷收集效率、时间响应特性、能谱分辨本领等性能参数退化量与辐照能量、剂量之间的关系。深入研究辐照对GaN核探测器电学参数和1/f噪声的影响,探讨辐照引入表面态、深能级对探测器中非平衡载流子复合的作用机理。通过深能级瞬态谱和变温光致发光谱表征手段,研究辐照在GaN核探测器及材料中引入的缺陷,分析缺陷类型、能级和俘获截面。本项目在研究和抑制GaN核探测器辐照效应方面有重要科学意义,为器件结构和工艺设计者提供有力的参考和依据。
中文关键词: 氮化镓;核探测器;辐照效应;1/f噪声;深能级瞬态谱
英文摘要: In recent years, wide bandgap semiconductor GaN has attracted a great deal of research interest due to its predominant physical, chemical, and electrical properties. Because of high irradiation hardness of GaN, it becomes a promising material for the new generation of room-temperature nuclear semiconductor detector, especially in the high-radiation field. With the development of GaN nuclear detectors in material growth and process, reliability problems will be put on the agenda, the most important of which is the study of the irradiation damage mechanism. The project bases on the GaN nuclear detectors, and focuses on the effect of radiation defects on the detectors. The relationship between the degradation of performance parameters of detectors and the radiation energy and dose, such as charge collection efficiency, time response, energy spectrum resolution and so on, will be obtained by experiments. The effect of irradiation on the electrical parameters and 1/f noise will be studied deeply, which aims at probing the mechanism of surface states and deep level energies introduced by irradiation to the recombination of non-equilibrium carriers. By the characterization of deep level transient spectrum and photoluminescence spectra at different temperatures, the defects induced by irradiation in detectors are studied. The types, energy levels and capture cross sections of the defects are analyzed in depth. Therefore, the project has the scientific significance in studying and decreasing the radiation damage effects in GaN nuclear detectors. It provides helpful references and bases for both device structure designers and process designers.
英文关键词: GaN;nuclear detector;radiation defects;1/f noise;deep level transient spectrum