项目名称: 利用树状大分子纳米技术构建多功能纳米杂化颗粒及其肿瘤CT/MRI双模态成像诊断研究
项目编号: No.21273032
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 史向阳
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 发展双模态多功能分子影像学造影剂应用于肿瘤的早期诊断,可以进一步提高诊断的准确度,是当前纳米医学和影像诊断学的发展趋势。本项目拟采用钆(Gd)螯合剂和靶向试剂(叶酸、乳糖酸和RGD 多肽)修饰的第五代聚酰胺胺树状大分子包裹合成纳米金颗粒,通过对树状大分子外围修饰聚乙二醇,改善对纳米金颗粒的包裹量和提高最终纳米颗粒的胶体稳定性,同时提高CT 诊断的灵敏度和延长纳米颗粒在血液中的停留时间。将形成的有机/无机杂化纳米粒子作为平台应用于人类上皮癌细胞、肝癌细胞和肿瘤微血管细胞的CT 和MRI 双模态靶向成像研究。和文献报道的相关技术相比,本项目采用树状大分子纳米技术同时将CT 造影剂(纳米金颗粒)和T1 MRI 造影剂Gd (III)整合在一起,并借助于靶向试剂的导引,有望实现肿瘤的双模态精确诊断。本研究将为探索新型的双模态多功能分子影像学造影剂应用于肿瘤的早期诊断开辟新的方向。
中文关键词: 树状大分子;纳米金颗粒;肿瘤;双模态成像;诊疗一体化
英文摘要: Development of dual mode multifunctional molecular imaging contrast agents for early-stage tumor diagnosis is able to significantly improve the diagnosis accuracy, which is one of the major topics in curent nanomedicine and imaging diagnosis science. In this study, we aim to use Gd(III) chelator- and targeting ligands (folic acid, lactobionic acid, and RGD peptide)-modified generation 5 poly(amidoamine) dendrimers as templates to synthesize gold nanoparticles. The periphery of dendrimers will be modified with polyethylene glycol in order to increase the gold content within the dendrimers and to improve the colloid stability of the final particles, consequently resulting in improved CT (computed tomography) imaging sensitivity and blood circulation time of the particles. The formed multifunctional hybrid nanoparticles will be employed as a platform for dual mode CT/MR (magnetic resonance) imaging of human epithelial carcinoma cells, liver cancer cells, and tumor microvasculature cells, respectively. Compared with the related technology reported in literature, dendrimer nanotechnology will be employed in this study for the first time to integrate both CT imaging agent (gold nanoparticles) and T1 MR imaging agent (Gd(III)) together into one colloid nanoparticle system. With the guidance of targeting ligands, the de
英文关键词: dendrimers;gold nanoparticles;tumors;dual mode imaging;theranostics