项目名称: 基于多模通信体制的环境自适应水声通信技术研究
项目编号: No.61471137
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 殷敬伟
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 面向多类型水下航行器用户并存,时延扩展、多普勒频移、频带有限的动态多变条件下的水声网络化通信需求,本项目突破以往基于单一固定通信体制,而是研究基于多种通信体制模式、能够充分利用感知获得的水声环境信息、自适应调整通信体制的环境自适应水声通信。本项目将水声环境物理特性感知技术基础研究与工程应用基础研究相结合:1.针对水声信道特性,研发水声环境感知关键技术,实现自适应感知信道特性、传播损失、通信频段等参数;2.研发差分OFDM、差分Pattern时延差编码和差分扩频三种适用于多途扩展下的移动水声通信的体制模式;3.依据环境参数感知结果和不同通信体制特质实现适用于远中近程、不同通信速率的自适应水声通信。 本课题为解决不同水下环境下兼顾有效性和可靠性、不间断通信和水下频谱资源有效共享问题提供新思路和理论依据,增强通信系统对水下环境的适应性,为日后开发多种不同类型用户并存的水声通信网提供必要技术支撑。
中文关键词: 水声通信;多模通信;差分编码;感知技术
英文摘要: Facing the demand of various different types of AUV in underwater acoustic network communication, this project breaks through the barrier of underwater acoustic communication using single communication system, and focuses on the one that is based on multi-mode communication systems, makes full use of underwater environment sensing information and adjusts the system mode adaptively. This project combines the sensing basic research of underwater acoustic channel characters and the basic research of engineering application: 1. According to the characteristics of underwater acoustic channel, environmental sensing key technology suitable for underwater acoustic communication is on the research, and it can apperceive environment parameters such as channel characters, transmission loss and frequency band. 2. Three modes of underwater acoustic communication --differential OFDM, PDS and spread spectrum communication systems are on the research respectively, which suitable for mobile communicaton in multipath underwater channel. 3. The multi-mode underwater communication system will be further researched, which can realize the adaptive underwater acoustic communication for different communication distance and rate according to the environmental parameters sensing results and the special characters of these three modes. This project provides new ideas and theoretical basis for solving the problems of effective and reliable communication in different underwater environments and the effective share of spectrum resources, enhances the adaptability of the communication system for underwater environment, and provides the necessary technical support for developing the underwater acoustic network communication with various different types of users in the future.
英文关键词: underwater acoustic communication;multi-mode communication;differential coding;sensing technology