项目名称: 基于海量数据的实时交互式系统中关键问题的研究
项目编号: No.61070102
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 黄艳
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 12万元
中文摘要: 海量数据交互可视化近些年来一直是计算机图形图像界研究的重点和热点。 现有的海量数据实时交互系统仍然存在各种各样的问题,目前对于海量数据的交互处理的研究结果还远远不能满足实际应用的需求。本项目主要研究海量数据实时交互可视化中亟待解决的一些关键问题,着重于全局渲染优化和海量数据的硬盘存储组织。具体地讲,在特征自适应的三维模型简化以及LOD层次树构建、渲染资源受限的LOD层次优化、减少硬盘读取的海量数据硬盘存储组织等方面提出和实现了相应的解决算法并且得了较好的效果。部分成果已经被学术期刊、会议发表或接收。特别地,关于特征自适应的三维模型简化以及LOD层次树构建发表了两篇文章:一篇文章被图形学界顶级学术会议 Pacific Graphics 2010接收为 short paper 并且在大会上作了约20分钟的口头报告;另一篇文章被SCI索引的期刊Information Journal所确定接受,将在2012年出版。这些研究成果都为海量数据的交互可视化系统提供了部分关键技术支持。
中文关键词: 数据简化;数据排布;数据可视化;实时交互;
英文摘要: Interactive visualization of massive data has been a hot research topic in the field of computer graphics and image processing in recent years. Current realtime and interactive massive data visualization systems still present many technical problems that need to be solved. The major research focus of this project lies on a few important issues in real time and interactive massive data visualization. Specifically, we investigate the issues of global optimization of rendering speed and layout and organization of massive data on disks. In the past year, we mainly worked on global optimization of rendering speed and disk layout for massive data. Specifically, we proposed algorithms in feature adaptive 3D model simplification and LOD hierarchy construction, LOD hierarchy optimization with constrained rendering resources, and optimimal disk layout in order to miminize disk reading. Part of the resuls have been published in various venues. In particular, a paper on feature adaptive 3D model simplification has been published in the short papers proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2010, one of the top conferences in Computer Graphics; another paper has been accepted for publication by Information Journal that is an SCI-indexed journal. All these research results provide solutions to some key technical compoments in a interactive massive data visualization system.
英文关键词: data simplification;data layout;data visualization;real-time interaction;