项目名称: 基于近似关键字的大规模空间数据查询与处理
项目编号: No.61202025
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 姚斌
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 空间数据处理和近似关键字处理在数据库领域各自得到了广泛和深入的研究。随着基于地理位置服务的兴起,许多与位置相关的关键字信息和位置信息本身一起为用户提供各种定制化服务。例如,我们可以用手机查询某个地点附近有哪些特色美食,或者查询哪些地点提供符合用户需求的房屋出租等。目前这些应用的需求不断上升,然而对此类问题的研究还处于起步阶段。一方面,现存的查询和数据处理方法都是集中式的,不适合于对大规模数据进行处理;另一方面,有很多新的应用需要设计新的查询和数据处理算法。因此,这类问题已经成为一个具有重要科学意义和应用价值的研究课题。本项目将研究近似关键字和空间数据相结合的一类查询与数据处理。本项目以大规模空间和文本数据为研究对象,重点研究基于近似关键字的空间数据查询与数据处理,实现基于云计算平台的超大规模的数据分布式存储,索引和查询算法,建立一套完整的具有理论创新和实际应用的软件工具包。
中文关键词: 近似关键字;空间数据库;查询处理;数据管理;云计算
英文摘要: The spatial data management and the approximate keyword search have been extensively studied in the database community in the last few decades, respectively. Recently, the location-based service is becoming popular, where the location and local keywords information are combined to provide users with the customized services. For example, the users of mobile devices can request what types of the delicious food provided in a specified location; or which locations provide users with the apartment rental service for customized requirements. The popularity of this category of applications motivates the study of the approximate keyword based query processing and data management in massive spatial data. The limited existing solutions for these problems are all centrailized, which are not suitable for massive data processing. On the other hand, driven by the increasing number of novel applications, efficient processings of new query types are urgently needed. In this project, we fous on the scalable-approximate-keyword-based query processing and data management in massive spatial data. We will develop the scalalbe distributed algorithms for the storage, index, and query processing of the large scale data in a cloud computing environment and build up a software toolkit with theoretical innovation and practical application
英文关键词: approximate keyword;spatial database;query processing;data management;cloud computing