项目名称: 长寿命近红外量子点的制备及用于二维荧光编码构建研究
项目编号: No.51502333
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 陈驰
作者单位: 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 光学编码技术在生物医药诊断,文件安全,以及光信息储存等领域具有重大的应用前景。作为众多可行的光学编码技术之一,荧光编码因其巨大的信息容量吸引了研究者广泛的注意。然而,现有的荧光编码尺寸过大,发光波长多位于可见光区,而不是近红外光区,同时,荧光编码的构建往往基于复合波长-复合强度。荧光物质的荧光寿命特性作为一种独立于探针浓度的优异参数,却一直被忽视。本项目面向光学编码构建的重大需求,根据带隙工程理论,利用过渡金属离子生长掺杂的方式,合成具有不同荧光寿命的覆盖整个近红外光区的量子点,将制备出来的长寿命近红外掺杂型量子点包覆在金属有机骨架结构(MOFs)中,以此来构建纳米级荧光编码,发展一种基于复合波长-复合寿命的二维荧光编码方法。
中文关键词: 量子点;荧光寿命;近红外;掺杂;编码
英文摘要: Optical codes have great potential for biomedical diagnosis, document security, and optical data storage. As one of the best examples of such enabling technologies, fluorescently codes attracted considerable attention due to the large encoding capacity. However, most of reported fluorescent codes usually have too large size, and emit in the visible region, not NIR region. Moreover, the principle of reported fluorescent codes are based on multi-emission and multi-intensity. As an excellent parameter that is independent of probe concentration, the fluorescence lifetime of fluorophore is always neglected in fluorescent encoding. In this project, we have developed a new strategy for preparing doped quantum dots (QDs) with widely tunable NIR-fluorescence and long lifetime by band gap engineering. Then, the nano-sized NIR-emitting two-dimensional encoded metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been fabricated using as-prepared long-lifetime NIR-emitting doped QDs. It opens up opportunities for design and fabrication of multi-emission and multi-lifetime based fluorescent 2D encoding.
英文关键词: quantum dots;fluorescence lifetime;near-infrared;doping;codes