项目名称: 新型球形TPC探测器的测试与研究
项目编号: No.11475205
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王志民
作者单位: 中国科学院高能物理研究所
项目金额: 108万元
中文摘要: 中微子物理、暗物质探测是当今粒子物理的前沿研究领域,深地下、大型粒子物理实验是其主要研究方式,低本底、低阈值、长时间稳定运行是该类实验的关键技术。新型球形TPC探测器,采用球对称、中心单阳极结构,具有大腔体、极小前端电容的特点,可实现低探测器阈值(30~200eV)以及优良的能量分辨率;其信号响应波形为后续粒子鉴别、事例顶点重建提供了可能性;根据实验目的,更换工作气体、运行条件,可实现该探测技术的广泛应用;该型探测器运行维护简便,成本低廉,一旦技术成熟,将为中微子物理、暗物质探测及天体物理研究提供一种崭新的手段。鉴于该型探测器的独有特点,并与国际研究者合作,高能物理研究所与清华大学将在高能所共同搭建该探测器的模型研究系统,用于不同工作气体、条件下探测器性能的测试与研究,通过探测器刻度及模拟建立探测器响应与分析模型,并应用于中子本底测量,完善和验证该技术应用于中微子、暗物质探测的可行性。
中文关键词: 探测器;中子探测器;低噪声前端放大器;能量分辨率;高能物理实验
英文摘要: Neutrino physics and dark matter detection are frontier topics of current particle physics. Underground experiments with good rock shielding, ultra low background and ultra low energy thresholds are keys to successful detections of signals from neutrino and WIMPs scattering. A novel type of detector (Spherical TPC or STPC) with spherical symmetry and single center dynode, was proposed by I. Gioamataris et al. in 20xx to observe neutrino coherent scattering events, supernovae neutrinos, neutrons and dark matter (Gerbier et al., 2014). The STPC has a large volume and ultra small front end capacity to enable ultra low energy threshold (30 to 200eV) with very good energy resolution. The signal waveform response can be used for particle identification and particle track reconstruction. It can be filled with different working gases and run under different conditions for multi-detection goals. This kind of detector is easy to use and maintain with very low cost. In collaboration with Tsinghua University Center for Astrophysics and French colleagues, we have setup a prototype system for the study of this detector at IHEP, to measure its performance with different gases and different run conditions and to develop its response and analysis model with calibration and simulation. The first technical challenge is to ensure stable low noise measurement conditions with good quality gas purification. We plan to use the STPC for neutron background measurements in China Jinping underground laboratory, and to verify its possibility for use in neutrino and dark matter physics.
英文关键词: detector;neutron detector;low noise pre-amplifier;energy resolution;high energy physics experiments