项目名称: 煤矿安全心理生态的交互结构、演化机理与引导政策研究
项目编号: No.71473248
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 陈红
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 煤炭产业近十年高速扩张式发展伴生着严重的煤矿心理系统的劣化问题,煤矿安全管理呈现新的复杂局面,基于心理与行为视角的煤矿安全管理理论亟待形成新突破。本研究基于对煤矿安全系统中活动主体间心理与行为的交互与演化的复杂特征及其与近体环境间关系的深刻思考,引入生态概念对其加以描述,并将之称为煤矿安全心理生态系统。采用质性分析、数学建模及人工智能仿真等方法,从形态、能量以及交互分布结构研究入手,刻画系统组成与结构关系,揭示系统主体基于资源、情感交互的心理过程和发展规律,构建系统中交互行为的前景状态空间、价值函数和决策准则,刻画系统的关系场结构及量能变化规律,揭示系统演化的交互结构及动力机制。基于心理镜像与境像的映射关系,开发系统演化的态-势测度的关键决策标度信息指标体系和测量技术,建构煤矿安全心理生态健康的核心概念和刻画准则,形成基于双态健康的安全心理生态培育政策,创新政策设计方法论。
中文关键词: 煤矿安全;安全心理生态;交互结构;“态-势”测度;演化机理
英文摘要: Serious psychological system degradation problem in coalmine is increasing while Chinese Coal industry experiences its 10 years high speed expansion development. Coalmine safety management faces the new complex situation. So, a new breakthrough on coalmine safety management theory based on psychology and behavior is needed.In this study,ecology was used to describe the system named safety psychological ecology system of coalmine, which containing the complexity characteristic of individuals' psychological and behavioral interactions and evolution and the complexity relation between individuals and the close environment. The qualitative analysis, mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence simulation method based on complex adaptive will be used in this study. Firstly, the composition and structure of the system should be characterized through the studying of the morphology structure, energy structure and interaction distribution structure; Secondly, the psychological process and its development law of the individual who exchanges the resource and emotion with others should be revealed; the prospect status space, value function and decision criteria of the interact behaviors in the safety psychological ecology system of coalmine should be constructed; the field structure of relation and energy variation of the safety psychological ecology system should be characterized; and then the interaction structure and dynamic mechanism should be revealed. Thirdly, the index system of key decision scale information and measurement techniques will be developed, which can be used to measure and evaluate the status and potential of the system, thus the core concept and guidelines of the healthy safety psychological ecology of coalmine also will be constructed. At last, basic frame of the guiding policy of healthy safety psychological ecology of coalmine based on two-status health should be put forward, which can lead the methodology innovation of coalmine safety management policy-making.
英文关键词: coalmine safety;safety psychological ecology;interaction structure;status-potential measurement;evolution mecahanism