项目名称: 动态社会网络中异质交互观点演化动力学建模及分析研究
项目编号: No.61603253
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2017
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 傅桂元
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 14万元
中文摘要: 社会网络中观点演化动力学的研究具有重要理论意义和价值,是目前交叉学科研究热点之一。社会网络中观点演化是一个复杂的过程,受到各种因素的影响。本项目针对社会网络中个体的可信度、偏好接收信息行为、耗散性以及顽固性,考虑个体交流网络的动态性,研究动态社会网络中的观点演化机制问题。个体通过异质观交互方式获取网络中其他个体的观点信息,并结合自己的偏好性接收行为特性和对交互个体可信度的判断对获取的观点信息进行处理;基于博弈的方法,分析个体个体的收益函数,建立个体观点的更新模型,并从理论上分析模型的收敛性;基于计算机仿真的方法分析个体的耗散性特性、偏好性接收行为、可信度以及不同动态社会网络结构如何影响观点的演化结果和演化速度。本项目的研究将有助于认识社会网络中舆论发展的内在规律,将对研究社会网络舆论的预测和引导问题提供新的思路。
中文关键词: 观点演化;动态社会网络;博弈;异质交互;复杂系统
英文摘要: It is of great importance in academic significance and value to study opinoin dynamics on social network, which is one of hot topics of interdisciplinary research. Opinion evolution is a complex process and suffers from various factors. This project investigates the dynamics of opinion formation on dynamics social network by incorporating individuals' credibility, biased assimilation, dissipation and stubbronness. Individuals obtian others' information through heterogeneous interactions and deal with the obtianed information according to the behavior of biased assimilation and their estimations of the credibility of the interactive partner; the model for opinion formation will be presented by analyzing the utility function of the individul from the perspective of game theory; some theorectial analysis on the convergence of the proposed model wil be conducted; it will be investigated and presented by the method of computer simulations that the influence of the credibility of the individuals, the behavior of biased assimilation and the dissipation of the individuals as well as the structure of dynamic social network on the final opinion and the convergence time. The research of this project can contribute to uncovering the mechanism that controls the opinion formtion on social network and will shed new lights on studying the problem of prediction and guidance of opinion on social network.
英文关键词: opinion evolution;dynamic social network;game;heterogeneous intereaction;complex system