项目名称: 群智感知系统中的隐私保护关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61300199
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 常姗
作者单位: 东华大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 群智感知技术成为实现大规模感知的新方式,因其独特的特性和重要社会经济应用价值,近年来受到国内外政府、企业和高等院校的高度重视。以人为中心的感知使得隐私保护成为决定群智感知技术成败的关键问题。在群智感知系统中,节点的高度自治、数据与隐私信息的紧密耦合以及系统各组成互不信任使得传统无线传感网络中隐私保护方法难以有效地应用于群智感知系统。本项目基于对真实大规模城市车辆和校园无线局域网用户数据的挖掘和分析,提出:1)联合用户偏好及上下文感知的隐私控制技术;2)数据准确性保障的隐私保护技术;3)可验证数据可信性的隐私数据聚集技术。本课题预期在隐私保护与数据可信性及准确性的平衡上取得较大的创新和突破,研究成果将为群智感知技术的学术研究与技术应用打下坚实的基础。
中文关键词: 隐私保护;群智感知;数据可信性;匿名通信;安全基准测试
英文摘要: With the advancement of personal mobile device technology, participatory sensing is emerging as a promising approach to realizing large-scale sensing concept, which keep receiving research attention from both the academia and the industry for its unique features and important socio-economic value. Human-centric sensing phylosophy adopted in participatory sensing systems makes privacy preservation an essential problem. In a typical participatory sensing system, there are three major research challenges which make traditional solutions used in wireless sensor networks fail: 1) participants are highly autonomous which means they are not specilized in sensing and may not be aware of potential privacy threats; 2) the sensory data and the private information of participants are tightly coupled by nature which means reporting sensory data will inevitably lead to privacy leakage; 3) every part in the system generally does not trust each other in terms of preserving privacy of participants. This project will develop a new set of solutions for privacy preservation in participatory sensing systems, via three following research thrusts. First, with three larg-scale GPS (Global Positioning System) traces of about tens of thousand experimental vehicles in Shanghai and Shenzhen and one larg-scale campus wireless network trace,
英文关键词: privacy preservation;participatory sensing;data trustworthiness;anonymous communication;security benchmarking