项目名称: 河口区非胎生红树植物潮间带分带机理
项目编号: No.41276077
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 叶勇
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 相对于胎生红树植物而言,对非胎生红树植物分带机理缺乏充分认识,且目前用于红树林恢复的种类基本集中在胎生物种。对非胎生红树植物潮间带分带规律和机理的研究,有利于认识非胎生红树植物对其生境的适应性,可为红树林生态恢复中红树植物生物多样性的恢复提供科学指导和理论依据。本项目以基本涵盖我国所有红树植物种类且受到良好保护的海南东寨港和清谰港主要河口天然红树林为对象,在野外调查获取我国非胎生红树植物分带规律的基础上,通过室内和野外试验,对非胎生红树植物分带机理进行系统研究:研究非胎生红树植物繁殖体的散布能力(包括潮水冲刷、漂浮性)、定植能力以及种子休眠机制,探索非胎生红树植物分带与繁殖体特征的关系;通过野外和室内实验,研究非胎生红树植物幼苗的生长、生理和形态解剖特征,探索非胎生红树植物分带与幼苗特征的关系;探索影响非胎生红树植物分带的非生物因素(包括盐度和淹水状况等)和生物因素(动物啃食和化感作用)。
中文关键词: 红树林;非胎生红树植物;分带机理;生态恢复;
英文摘要: Compared to those of viviparous mangrove species, the mechanisms of intertidal zonation of non-viviparous mangrove species were little known. In addition, plant species used in mangrove restoration projects were basically viviparous species. Studies on the rules and mechanisms of intertidal zonation of non-viviparous mangrove species are benefit to realize their adaptation to environment factors, and may give scientific guidance and theory base to mangrove ecological restoration. Therefore, through field and laboratory experiments in this project, the mechanisms of intertidal zonation of non-viviparous mangrove species will be sytemtically studied at Dongzhaigang and Qinglangang estuaries where there are all of mangrove spiecies in China and the mangrove forests are well protected. To explore the relationships between propagule traits and intertidal zonation of non-viviparous mangrove species, propagule characteristics including dispersal traits (tidal flush and buoyancy), anchor ability and seed dormancy will be studied. To explore the relationships between seedling traits and intertidal zonation of non-viviparous mangrove species, growth, physiological and anatomical characteristics of non-viviparous mangrove seedlings will be studied through field and laboratory experiments. Environmental factors influencing
英文关键词: Mangrove;Non-viviparous species;Inter-tidal zonation;Ecological restoration;