项目名称: 基于信道差异的物理层安全编码技术研究
项目编号: No.61501516
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 易鸣
作者单位: 中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本课题针对合法信道与窃听信道为同一信道模型的场景,以将信道质量差异转化为误比特率差异为主线,重点研究具有高传输效率的物理层安全编码。主要内容包括:基于扩散准则的预编码方法,通过缩小安全间隙,降低合法信道相对于窃听信道的质量要求;存在反馈信道、不存在信道状态估计时,基于爆发喷泉码的安全编码方法,通过自适应合法信道状态,保证安全且可靠传输;不存在反馈信道、存在信道状态估计时,基于极化码打孔的安全编码方法,通过面向特定私密信息位打孔,提高传输效率。本课题预期在上述几方面获得理论突破和技术创新,促进无线安全通信领域的进一步发展。
中文关键词: 物理层安全;安全编码;信道差异
英文摘要: This research focuses on physical layer security codes with high transmission efficiency by transforming the difference in channel quality into the difference of bit error rate, where a same model is employed for both legitimate channel and wiretap channel. Three major topics are included: 1) precoding methods based on propagation criterion aiming to reduce the requirement on quality of legitimate channel compared to wiretap channel by narrowing the security gap, 2) security codes based on digital fountain which can match the legitimate channel adaptively to ensure the security and reliability under a feedback channel without channel estimation, 3) efficient security codes based on puncturing polar codes through channel estimation without feedback channels by puncturing the specific bits. This research aims to achieve theoretical breakthroughs and technological innovations for studies mentioned above, and further to promote researches on wireless communication security.
英文关键词: Physical Layer Security ;Security Code;Channel Difference