项目名称: 干法制备石墨烯量子点阵列与近场光学研究
项目编号: No.11204173
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 陶海华
作者单位: 上海交通大学
项目金额: 29万元
中文摘要: 当石墨烯尺寸小到一定程度并经过适当的表面改性,就成为具有光致发光效应的石墨烯量子点,这在生物医学研究领域具有重要的应用前景。目前,人们主要采用湿法工艺制备这种石墨烯量子点。对于特定基底上的石墨烯,发展干法刻蚀技术直接获得石墨烯量子点对光电集成至关重要。本项目中,我们对SiO2/Si基底上的石墨烯采用基于臭氧刻蚀的干法技术制备石墨烯量子点阵列,实现其光致发光。在低温下,利用扫描近场光学显微镜(SNOM)同步探测石墨烯量子点阵列形貌、光学强度分布和光谱,研究光致发光性质与尺寸、边界、层数等因素之间的关系,获得电子态密度、精细能带结构等量子物理信息。这项研究不仅为深入理解石墨烯量子点提供有益的借鉴,而且它对于进一步推动大面积石墨烯在光电集成领域的应用具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 石墨烯;光致发光;紫外光氧化;紫外光氮化;
英文摘要: When shrinked to certain size and properly functionized, graphene quantum dots become photo-luminescent and may have important biomedical applications. Currently graphene quantum dots are mainly fabricated in wet chemical processes. For graphene quantum dot supported on certain substrates, however, dry etching technique is essential for its application in integrated opto-electronics. In this project, we propose to fabricate graphene quantum dot arrays on SiO2/Si substrate based on ozone dry etching, and study their photoluminescence properties. A scanning near-field optical microscope will be utilized to simultaneously map morphology, optical intensity distribution, and spectrum of the graphene quantum dot arrays at low temperatures. We will study how the photoluminescence properties are influenced by parameters such as size, boundary, and number of layers. Important quantities such as electron density of states, energy band structure will be obtained. This research will shed light on our understanding of graphene quantum dots. Meanwhile, it may play an important role in propelling the application of large-area graphene in integrated opto-electronics.
英文关键词: Graphene;Photoluminescence;Photochemical oxidaiton;Photochemical nitridation;