项目名称: 基于微波光子技术的可调谐低端太赫兹波的功率提升研究
项目编号: No.61205091
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 李瑛
作者单位: 深圳大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 低端太赫兹波段(0.1-0.2THz)处于大气传输的低吸收窗口,适于太赫兹通信、雷达和探测等远程传输系统的应用。本项目针对这一波段的特点和高功率可调谐的应用需求,提出采用基于微波光子学技术的TOF(Terahertz-over-Fiber)解决方案,融合微波技术与光子技术的优势,开展低端太赫兹波的产生、调谐、单链路功率提升和多链路功率合成等关键技术的基础研究;揭示TOF系统发射功率与系统及关键器件工作参数之间的定量关系,通过深度调制、高增益光纤功率放大、高增益天线等微波光子学技术手段,较大幅度提升单链路辐射功率;借鉴相控阵雷达原理,探索研究多链路太赫兹功率合成新技术,为实现百毫瓦级高功率太赫兹辐射输出提供坚实基础和重要技术支撑,促进太赫兹技术的广泛应用。
中文关键词: 微波光子;低端太赫兹;功率辐射;太赫兹通信;
英文摘要: Low-frequency terahertz waves (0.1-0.3THz), being the low absorption window of atmosphere,have important applications in communication, radar, detection, and so on. Takin into consideration the characteristics and the need of high power and tunability of the low-frequency terahertz waves, we propose a TOF(Terahertz-over-Fiber) solution based on microwave photonics. We will study some fundamental problems concerning the generation, tuning, power scalable single-link and power combination of multi-link of low-frequency terahertz waves. We will establish the relationship between the radiation power of the TOF system and the operation parameters of the key devices of the system, trying to notably increasing the radiation power of a single link through deep modulation, high-gain fiber amplification and high-gain antenna. In addition, we will explore a new way of combination of multi-link terahertz radiations following the principle of phase array radar, trying to pave the way to obtain 100mW level terahertz radiation output and thus provide the funndation and support for the wide application of terahertz waves.
英文关键词: Microwave photonics;Low-frequency terahertz wave;Radiation power;Terahertz communications;