项目名称: 云计算环境下海量XML数据管理关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61272181
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 赵相国
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: XML已被广泛应用于Web数据交换和存储领域,数据量呈指数级增长,传统XML数据管理技术已无法满足海量XML数据管理的要求。云计算技术在处理大规模数据集中具有性能和成本优势,已成为海量数据存储和查询处理最合适的技术体系,但利用云计算技术无法有效地处理具有半结构化特点的XML数据。本项目围绕海量XML数据管理所面临的问题,针对云计算环境下海量XML数据存储技术、索引技术和查询处理技术展开研究。解决云计算环境下海量XML数据的数据存储模型和分布式存储技术;进而研究海量XML数据的分布式索引构建和维护技术;研究海量XML数据的关键字查询、Twig查询和XPath/XQuery等查询处理技术。设计实现一个基于云计算环境的海量XML数据管理原型系统,来验证研究成果的正确性和有效性。研究成果将为海量XML数据管理应用提供有力的理论支持和解决方案,具有重要的理论和实践意义。
中文关键词: XML数据;云计算技术;海量数据;查询处理;
英文摘要: XML data has been widely applied in web data exchanging and storage. With the exponentially increasing amount of XML data, traditional XML data management technologies are unable to meet the requirements of massive XML data processing applications. Due to the high performance of distributed computing and low cost of hardware, the cloud computing technologies have pioneered the massive data storage and query processing technologies. However, semi-structured data are unable to storage and process in the cloud directly and effectively. This project focuses on massive XML data management technologies, conducting a deep research into the technology system for massive XML data. The purpose of this project is to solve the problems of applying XML management technologies into distributed massive environment in the cloud, including distributed XML data storage model building in large datacenters, distributed index, distributed Keyword query processing, distributed Twig query Processing, distributed XPath and XQuery processing of massive XML data, etc. We will design and implement a prototype sysyem of massive XML data management to verify the correctness and validation of the proposed research technologies in this project. The research achievement, which has important theoretical and practical significance, will be powe
英文关键词: XML Data;Cloud Computing;Massive Data;Query Processing;