项目名称: 深部采场地压与微震活动性时空演化关系研究
项目编号: No.51274055
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 李元辉
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 深部采场开挖是岩体在高应力条件下强卸荷的过程,采场围岩的微震活动性反映了岩体内部对采矿活动的动力响应,如何解译和分析岩爆动力灾害孕育过程中的微震活动性规律是目前亟待解决的重要课题。本项目采用岩石真三轴强卸荷力学实验和深部采场原位监测方法,利用微震监测、应力、变形及波速测试等多手段,将岩体静态变形破坏观测与岩石微破裂动态响应监测相结合,分析微震活动与回采过程的时空演化关系。通过对深部采场围岩微震活动集结特征和岩体加卸载响应比分析,用与震源变形过程中应力、应变的改变有关的参数来定量描述岩体在采矿过程中的动力响应,建立岩爆发生的短期预测模型。在此基础上,优化采场巷道布置、采矿速率、开挖方式以及围岩支护设计,实现采场地压的动态调控。项目研究不仅可以更深入地揭示岩爆孕育过程中的动力学问题,还可以为进一步促进微震监测技术在我国矿山安全生产和地下工程灾害预报预测方面的应用提供重要基础理论依据。
中文关键词: 深部开采;动力灾害;调控;微震;声发射
英文摘要: Deep underground excavation is rock strong unloading of the process under high stress conditions, the stope rockmass microseismic activity reflects the dynamic response of the mining activities, how to interpret and analyze the process of rockburst disaster bredmicroseismic activity is currently an important issue to be solved. This project uses real rock triaxial strong unloading mechanical tests and deep mining in situ monitoring methods, the use of microseismic monitoring, stress, deformation and velocity test means, rock static deformation damage observation and rock micro-fracture dynamic response monitoring phase the combined analysis of the temporal relationships between microseismic activity and recovery process.Deep mining rock microseismic activity build-up characteristics and load-unload response ratio analysis, with the stress and focal deformation process, strain change the parameters to quantitatively describe the dynamic response of rock in the mining process, the establishment of rockburstshort-term forecasting model. On this basis, by optimizing stope roadway layout, mining rate, excavation and rock support design, the mining site pressure can be dynamic regulated. Research projects not only more in-depth to reveal the dynamics of gestation process of rock burst can also provide an important bas
英文关键词: Deep mining;dynamic disaster;dynamical control;microseismic;acoustic emission