项目名称: 用于Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4太阳电池的Cd1-xZnxS缓冲层及吸收层/缓冲层界面电学特性研究
项目编号: No.61504054
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 高超
作者单位: 南昌大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4(CZTSSe)太阳电池是一类很有前景的太阳电池。目前认为阻碍其转换效率提高的关键因素是吸收层/缓冲层界面处的复合,但界面复合的具体机理以及界面复合与太阳电池制备工艺的关系尚不完全清楚。综合本课题前期工作及文献发现,吸收层/缓冲层界面电学特性(界面缺陷、能带结构等)与缓冲层材料及其沉积工艺存在很大关联。因此,理论上可通过优化缓冲层材料及其沉积工艺改善吸收层/缓冲层界面电学特性,减少界面复合,提高太阳电池转换效率。本课题将使用Cd1-xZnxS缓冲层(可实现较高开路电压)制备CZTSSe太阳电池,并系统研究缓冲层沉积工艺影响吸收层/缓冲层界面电学特性进而影响太阳电池性能的具体机理。在此基础上,尝试对吸收层/缓冲层界面进行调控,探索减少界面缺陷及优化界面能带结构的有效途径,为CZTSSe太阳电池的发展拓展新的思路,提高其转换效率。
中文关键词: 铜锌锡硫硒太阳电池;缓冲层材料;吸收层/缓冲层界面;界面复合
英文摘要: Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4(CZTSSe) thin-film solar cell is a kind of promising solar cell. Currently, people believe that the recombination at the absorber/buffer interface is an important factor that limiting the performance of CZTSSe solar cell, but the detailed mechanism of the recombination and the relationship between the interface recombination and the solar cell fabrication are still unclear. By analyzing our previous work and reviewing reference, we found the properties of the absorber/buffer interface (interfacial traps, band structure etc.) are closely related to the buffer layer material and buffer deposition. Theoretically, the electrical properties of the absorber/buffer interface could be modified by adjusting the material and deposition process of buffer layer, and therefore, the interfacial recombination could be suppressed and the solar cell performance could be improved. In this proposal, we will use Cd1-xZnxS buffer layer (high open circuit voltage could be achieved) to fabricate CZTSSe solar cells. Based on the characterization of the solar cells, we will investigate how the deposition process of buffer layer influence the properties of absorber/buffer interface and further the solar cell performances. Then we will explore the way to modify the absorber/buffer interface. We hope to find effective ways to decrease the concentration of interfacial traps and optimize the band structure of the interface. Thus the efficiency could be improved, which will contribute to the development of CZTSSe solar cells.
英文关键词: Cu2ZnSn(S;Se)4 solar cell;Buffer layer material;Absorber/buffer interface;Interfacial recombination