项目名称: 对超微量丙酮气体具有高响应、高选择性的新型气敏材料传感器
项目编号: No.51472145
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 秦宏伟
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 在近期初步研究成果的基础上, 本项目拟研发在不同湿度下,对超低浓度丙酮具有高灵敏响应、高选择性、高工作稳定性的微量贵金属掺杂稀土铁基钙钛矿氧化物新型丙酮气敏材料和器件。本项目拟以Pd:SmFeO3为主要研究体系,寻求最佳Pd掺量以及最佳制备工艺, 研究材料传感器在不同湿度(特别是高湿度)环境下对超低浓度丙酮以及各类干扰气体的响应特性(灵敏度、最佳操作温度、响应恢复时间、长时期工作稳定性等)及气体选择性。并利用Mg, Co, Zn等元素适量替代Fe以降低材料电阻,并进一步提高材料对丙酮的气敏性能。探索微量Au、Pt掺杂的各类稀土铁基钙钛矿氧化物对超低浓度丙酮的气敏响应,以开拓新的传感材料体系。本项目还将探索研究掺杂贵金属稀土铁基氧化物材料对丙酮的敏感机理。 本项目不仅具有科学研究意义, 而且在糖尿病呼吸气体诊断方面具有很强的应用前景。
中文关键词: 纳米材料;气敏材料
英文摘要: Based on our recent research results, we plan to explore the novel sensors for highly sensitive, selective, stable-working detection of the acetone with superlow concentration. We plan to investigate the Pd: SmFeO3 based system, looking for the optimal content of Pd doping and the optimal preparation conditions. We shall study the sensing properties (including sensitivity, optimal working temperature, response and recovery times, stability after long-time working) and selectivity of the sensors to superlow concentration acetone under various relative humidity (especial high humidity). Meanwhile, we also study the effect of appropriate substitution of Fe by Mg, Co and Zn elements in Pd: SmFeO3, in order to decrease the resistance of sensors. We also explore the sensing properties to superlow concentration acetone of other rare earth iron based perovskite oxides doping with minor Au and Pt, looking for other novel sensors. We shall investigate the mechanisms of gas sensing and selectivity to acetone for rare earth iron perovskite oxides with Pd doping. This project is of not only scientific interests but also potential application in easy diagnosis of diabetes by breath analysis.
英文关键词: nanomaterials;gas sensing materials