项目名称: 高速列车转向架概念设计建模及设计参数定量分析研究
项目编号: No.51305367
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 黎荣
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 复杂产品系统(Complex Product Systems, CoPS)概念设计对产品研发时间、成本和能否成功起着决定性影响。CoPS由于存在复杂的多层次、多学科、多领域耦合关系,概念设计模型的建立与评价难度大,尚未形成较成熟的研究方法,其研发依赖于对经验设计所得的详细设计模型和物理样机进行性能及结构优化,使得产品研发的周期长,反复次数多,难以实现系统创新。课题拟针对高速列车转向架这一典型复杂产品系统,在传统功构概念模型的基础上,分别从功能和结构角度系统分析转向架子系统级和部件级耦合关系,研究面向复杂服役环境的高速列车转向架概念设计建模方法;建立转向架多学科代理模型,以车辆动力学性能指标为核心的响应量,概念设计模型的设计参数为基本变量,运用灵敏度分析方法实现设计参数变动对性能指标影响的定量分析,并用转向架实例验证所提出方法的正确性。
中文关键词: 概念设计;定量分析;多学科优化;转向架;
英文摘要: Conceptual design of Complex Product Systems (CoPS) plays a decisive influence on development time, cost and the possibility of success of product. Due to the complex multi-level, multi-disciplinary, multi-field coupling relations are existed in CoPS, generation and evaluation technology of concept design are still in its infancy. At present, the development of CoPS is based on empirical design, or performance and structural optimization methods through analyze detailed design models or physical prototypes, which makes the development cycle long, iterative, and difficult to system innovation. This project will study the generation and evaluation technology of conceptual design of bogie. Based on traditional function-structure model, the subsystem and component level coupling relationship of bogie will be analyzed from function and structure respectively. the conceptual design of bogie for complex service environment will be studied. Using vehicle dynamics performance indicators as responses and design parameters of the conceptual design as basic variables,multidisciplinary surrogate model of vehicle dynamics is bulit, and quantitative analysis of conceptual design parameters is realized based on sensitivity analysis methods. Bogie instance is used to verify the correctness of the proposed method.
英文关键词: Conceptual design;Quantitative evaluation;multidisciplinary optimization;bogie;