项目名称: 物联网感知层入侵检测方法研究
项目编号: No.61302087
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 李祺
作者单位: 北京邮电大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 物联网的安全是物联网技术实用化的前提和保障,设计出全新的适用于物联网感知层的入侵检测方法,是物联网的研究热点。本项目针对物联网感知层大规模异质网元共存、节点资源受限、感知环境复杂多变等特点,研究物联网感知层入侵检测方法,具体包括,基于上下文感知的入侵行为自动定义方法,基于迁移学习的多视角网络行为建模方法,基于免疫遗传算法的入侵检测系统。在上述研究的基础上,本项目还将搭建专用的实验测试平台,验证上述方法的正确性和可行性。
中文关键词: 物联网;感知层;入侵检测;;
英文摘要: Security is the practical premise and guarantee for making the Internet Of Things (IOTs) technology practical, and also it is the area of research focus to design a new intrusion detection method for the perception layer of IOTs. In this project, in order to deal with following challenges: the coexistence of large-scale heterogeneous network elements, the constraints of node resource and the complexity of sensing environment, we investigate the intrusion detection method for the perception layer of IOTs, including the contest based automatic invasion definition, the transfer learning based multi-view modeling environment for studying networks, the intrusion detection system using immune-genetic algorithm. After that, the experimental platform will also set up to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the above mentioned approaches.
英文关键词: Internet of Things;Perception Layer;Intrusion Detection;;