项目名称: 新一代产品几何量技术规范的范畴纤维化模型及智能专家系统的研究与开发
项目编号: No.61203172
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 许源平
作者单位: 成都信息工程学院
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 为了解决新一代产品几何量技术规范(GPS)标准体系在中小型企业的贯彻实施难题,促进GPS的信息化和智能化发展,本项目研究构建基于范畴论的统一数学模型-范畴纤维化(内/外)模型来对新一代GPS进行整体建模,并基于此模型,研发适应新一代GPS集成应用要求的智能专家系统(VirtualGPS):基于内模型,研究GPS信息的结构化计算机集成并建立相应的数据库和算法库;利用内外模型之间的映射机制, 结合不确定度理论,研究并建立面向完整产品生命周期的GPS知识库、案例库和知识推理机并对推理出的GPS技术规范展开"功能公差"和"功能计量"相关新理念的研究;研究GPS技术规范在产品生命周期各阶段的统一融合与协调问题,构建技术规范的完整性、相容性、合理性以及不确定度的全局评估、管理与优化机制;研究软件系统的SOA架构, 实现面向GPS应用服务需求的知识模块动态配置与演化功能;研究与CAx的知识共享技术。
中文关键词: GPS;范畴纤维化模型;范畴纤维化数据库;知识库;GPS智能专家系统
英文摘要: Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) matrix system is a universal tool for expressing geometrical requirements on product design drawings. Although commonly acknowledged by industrial users as one of the most successful efforts in integrating existing product lifecycle standards, the new generation of GPS standards are considered to be too theoretical, complex and over-elaborate for industry, especially for small medium sized enterprises (SMEs).Therefore, in order to overcome current GPS application problems and drawbacks of software packages in their practical use , a unified mathematical model and an integrated GPS expert system based on this model will be researched in this project. This unified model that contains categorical internal and external modeling diagrams, as well as a dynamic morphism mapping mechanism between them, can gracefully fuse data concept abstraction and formal method specification together based on the Category Theory. The categorical internal model focuses researches on how to completely express the complicated GPS world by using various mathematic constructs and morphisms in the Category Theory. The categorical external model is a knowledge application model, which researches on how to dynamically generate GPS knowledge from internal model by using the designed mor
英文关键词: GPS;Categorical Fibration Model;Categorical Fibration Database;Knowledge Base;VirtualGPS