项目名称: 海底水下盾构法隧道衬砌结构的性能衰退演化机理
项目编号: No.51208432
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 封坤
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着国民经济的发展和沿海地区经济建设步伐的加快,跨越海峡和海湾的交通需求与日俱增,海底隧道必将成为我国今后跨越海湾、海峡等水域阻隔的重要手段,渤海湾跨海工程、杭州湾海湾工程、琼州海峡跨海工程等世界级大型海底隧道的建设即将开展。本项研究采用资料调研、理论分析、数值仿真和电化学腐蚀试验、室内模型实验相结合的方法,研究不同环境条件下海底盾构隧道管片混凝土腐蚀劣化特征与性能、不同腐蚀劣化程度下管片接头的力学性能,以及不同腐蚀劣化程度、不同荷载条件、不同拼装方式下海底盾构隧道管片结构的受力与形变特征,旨在探明海底侵蚀环境与荷载环境联合作用下管片衬砌结构力学性能的衰退、演化规律,揭示高水压条件下管片结构腐蚀、开裂、失稳直至灾变溃损的发生发展过程中受力性能的变异机制与阈值,并基于此对海底盾构隧道管片结构体系的设计与性能评价提出建议和指标,以保障海底盾构隧道衬砌结构的长期安全性。
中文关键词: 海底盾构隧道;管片衬砌结构;钢筋锈蚀;力学性能;衰退机制
英文摘要: With the rapid development of economy in coastal areas in China, the traffic demand across straits and bays is increasing. Large subsea tunnel will become an important means to pass through the waters barrier. The construction of world-class large subsea tunnels, such as Qiongzhou Channel Tunnel, Hangzhou Bay Tunnel and Bohai Channel Tunnel, will be accomplished in the near future. In this research, information investigation,theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, electrochemical corrosion tests and model tests will be carried out. And it includes: degradation characteristics and mechanical properties of concrete corrosion; behavior of segmental joint under different corrosion deterioration degree; mechanical characteristics of segmental lining structure under different corrosion deterioration degree, loading condition, and different assembly methods. The results are expected to prove up the law of structure behavior's deterioration of subsea shield tunnel under the combined effects of the erosion environment and loading environment,and reveal the mutation mechanism and threshold of mechanical properties of segmental lining structure during the development of corrosion, cracking, and instability until the catastrophic collapse. Based on the above results, recommendations and indicators will be proposed again
英文关键词: Subsea shield tunnel;segmental lining structure;reinforcement corrosion;mechanical characteristics;deterioration mechanism