项目名称: 基于光微机电系统集成制备波长可调氮化物激光器的基础研究
项目编号: No.61274121
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 胡芳仁
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 氮化物半导体与硅基光微机电系统集成制备新型光电子器件与光微系统是符合信息产业发展的国际前沿研究领域。本项目开展自支撑氮化物微驱动器和氮化物共振光栅集成制备波长可调激光器的基础研究。项目的主要创新点为(1)利用悬空的自支撑氮化物半导体共振光栅实现激光的增益放大,(2)结合硅基光微机电系统技术和微加工技术实现氮化物共振光栅的周期可调,从而实现激光的波长可调,(3)共振光栅的空间间距变化由氮化物材料自身的微驱动器提供可执行功能。我们计划利用在氮化物薄膜表面沉积HfO2薄膜以缓和光栅结构与微驱动器由于残余应力而形成的弯曲问题以及采取硬SOG作为掩模板减少氮化物薄膜的深刻蚀过程中刻蚀离子对薄膜垂直表面的损伤。最终使得单片集成的具有平整表面的波长可调氮化物激光器成为可用的新型光电子器件。同时探索解决氮化物微机电系统研制过程中的基础科学问题,如氮化物半导体体加工与表面加工的机理与模式等。
中文关键词: 氮化物半导体;光学微机电系统;光子光栅;微驱动器;
英文摘要: GaN-based nitride semiconductor demonstrates large potential to fabricate ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared light-emitting devices, since the bandgap of this serial semiconductors could be tuned from 0.63eV to 6.2eV, by changing the concentration of In,Ga and Al in the nitrides. Some of these devices such as GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) have entered the world market.On the other hand, Optical MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) includes many kinds of devices such as tunable lasers & filters, variable optical attenuators, programmable optical add/drop multiplexers, optical switches and cross-connectors, wavelength division multiplexers, integrated optical components, dispersion compensators and so on. With the development of communication and information science and technology, optical MEMS will be widely explored. However, optical MEMS couldn't be truly integrated devices until the light source is integrated with MEMS on the same Si wafer. For example, a tunable micro-laser or tunable grating monolithically fabricated from the InGaN/GaN LED grating on the Si-MEMS actuator structure. Such kind of integration is at the beginning of research all over the world. The distributed feedback (DFB) laser makes a stably single-mode oscillation. As the DFB laser has a superior of
英文关键词: nitride semiconductor;optical MEMS;photonic grating;micro-actuator;