项目名称: 图像增强下的ACL三维重建研究
项目编号: No.61300092
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 饶云波
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 作为医学图像处理领域的研究前沿,三维重建技术为前交叉韧带(ACL)手术提供了一种新的治疗机制。尽管基于关节镜下ACL重建手术有很高的成功率,然而仍有以下缺陷:1)前交叉韧带重建隧道位置不精确;2)手术具有较大失败率和翻修率。同时目前的ACL重建算法复杂度高,精确地ACL三维重建困难。项目组在归纳现有研究成果基础上,凝练出一系列函待解决的科学问题:1)如何精确地ACL 三维重建及测量ACL 起止点;2)如何设计匹配算法建立适合于个体化的ACL 三维重建模型。针对上述问题,项目组结合图像处理和虚拟现实技术,拟定了切实可行的研究方案。本项目完成后,可建立计算机辅助ACL 仿真重建手术模拟系统,有望显著改进ACL三维重建精度,进一步的推广ACL三维重建在医学领域的应用,从而有力提升我国在该前沿领域的研究水平。
中文关键词: 前交叉韧带;3D 模型重建;区域增长算法;韧带位置;
英文摘要: As the cutting edge research field of medicine image processing, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) provides a new scheme of ACL's patient to use three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technology. Although it is true that the reconstruction surgery of ACL using arthroscopy has high success probability, there are still some limitation as follows: 1)the accurately locating of bone-tunnel reconstruction with wrong position. 2)ACL reconstruction's results have high failure potential and rate of second surgery. At the same time, the currently algorithms of ACL reconstruction have high complexity. It is very difficult for accurately ACL 3D reconstruction. Based on the thoroughly study of ACL reconstruction's development, we found that the following problems are still need to be solved: 1) how to reconstruct the accurately ACL 3D and ACL location. 2) how to design matching algorithm to establish individual's ACL 3D reconstruction model. In this proposal, we make a feasible plan to solve above problems based on image processing and virtual reality technology. The successful implementation of this project will establish simulation system of computer aid ACL 3D reconstruction. After finishing this project also will further improve the accurately ACL 3D reconstruction and expand its applying field in medicine image processing
英文关键词: Anterior cruciate ligament;3D model reconstruction;region growing algorithm;fork position;