项目名称: 钯催化氧气氧化偶联反应新方法及其合成应用
项目编号: No.21202046
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 有机化学
项目作者: 伍婉卿
作者单位: 华南理工大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 如何利用分子氧在有机合成中实现温和高效、高选择性的氧化偶联反应一直是具有挑战性和战略性意义的研究课题。本项目设计以分子氧为氧化剂、以烯烃与炔醇为研究对象,通过不同途径的亲核钯化启动反应并结合配体/底物官能团的导向作用来发展新型钯催化氧化交叉偶联反应及其方法学,实现链状或环状共轭不饱和羰基化合物的可控与选择性构筑,考察氧气活化因素及新化学键形成路径,运用先进手段研究反应机理与规律,在最优反应条件下以一些含有共轭不饱和羰基骨架的天然产物及其结构类似物为模型化合物,拓展新方法在有机合成中的应用。项目的完成对于发展钯催化氧化偶联反应的合成方法学,为具有潜在生理活性的有机功能分子提供有效的合成策略和途径,都具有重要的理论与现实意义。
中文关键词: 氧气;钯催化;氧化偶联反应;合成;
英文摘要: The development of mild, practical and highly selective oxidative coupling reactions using molecular oxygen is a continuing challenge for chemists. This program focuses on the development of molecular oxygen-involved palladium-catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions of alkenes and alkynols, which will afford a new method to the selective synthesis of linear or cyclic conjugated unsaturated carbonyls with different nucleophilic palladation pathways, as well as the usage of the directing functional groups in the ligands and substrates. The activation factors of oxygen and reaction mechanism will be detailed investigated. Besides, the application of the methodology in the synthesis of the skeletons in natural products and their structure analogs will also be explored. The research is believed to have theoretical and realistic meanings not only because it provides an access to the new palladium-catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions, but also an effective strategy to the syntheis of biologically active organic molecules.
英文关键词: Molecular Oxygen;Palladium-Catalyzed;Oxidatvie Coupling Reactions;Synthesis;