项目名称: 中国车桑子亚科(无患子科)的分类修订
项目编号: No.31470008
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 曹丽敏
作者单位: 衡阳师范学院
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 车桑子亚科拥有不少系统位置存疑的单种属和寡种属,是无患子科中分类较难的关键类群,在无患子科的系统学研究中具有重要意义。但是,有关该亚科的研究还很有限,尚存在分类混乱、分类系统不完善以及形态学研究资料匮乏等问题。本项目拟以中国车桑子亚科为研究对象,在文献查阅、标本室工作和野外考察基础上,系统地开展花器官发生、胚胎发育、花粉形态、种子微形态研究,对该亚科进行深入细致的研究。旨在:(1)澄清目前车桑子亚科分类上存在的混乱和命名错误;(2)提供完善的形态学解剖学资料;(3)构建车桑子亚科的系统树;(4)完成中国车桑子亚科分类修订。实施本项目,将为深入研究无患子科植物系统发育提供基础资料,并为中国车桑子亚科植物资源有效保护和利用提供基础数据。
中文关键词: 车桑子亚科;无患子科;分类修订;中国;
英文摘要: With some monotypic and oligotypic genera, Dodonaeoideae is a key group on the systematics of Sapindaceae. However, the taxonomical and systematical study on Dodonaeoideae is rather limited. The extant taxonomical system lacks camparative morphological data, and the taxonomical revisions are also sporadic, making this group one of the difficult subfamilies in Sapindaceae. In this study, we will comprehensively study the taxonomy and systematics of Dodonaeoideae from China based on 1) the literature survey, herbaria and field investigation; 2) floral organogenesis and embryological characteristics; 3) pollen and seed morphology; 4) molecular systematic data. Our research will achieve the following objectives: 1) to clarify the taxonomical problems in Dodonaeoideae; 2) to supply the morphological and anatomical data on Dodonaeoideae; 3) to construct phylogenetic trees of the subfamily; 4) to make a taxonomic revision of Dodonaeoideae from China. This study will provide a basis for further studying the phylogeny within Sapindaceae. Meanwhile, it will provide important information on conservation and sustainable utilization of the economical plants in Dodonaeoideae.
英文关键词: Dodonaeoideae;Sapindaceae;taxonomic revision;China;