项目名称: 局域肖特基势垒的光电力耦合效应对ZnO纳米线电输运特性调制机理的研究
项目编号: No.11204093
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 刘逆霜
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 一维纳米结构体系将在构筑纳米电子和光电器件等功能性元件和集成电路中充当非常重要的角色,已成为当前纳米科技领域的前沿和热点。纳米结构与电极之间的肖特基势垒作为多种光电器件的工作基础,对器件电输运特性调制机制的研究已逐步得到重视。局域肖特基势垒作为纳米结构表面处的势垒对纳米结构的电学特性也有显著的影响,但是目前在国际范围内对其还缺乏系统的研究。而本课题计划通过在ZnO纳米线的表面沉积高功函数金属纳米颗粒引入局域肖特基势垒,利用该局域肖特基势垒将电学、光学及力学等方面的因素有机地结合起来,并通过定量的研究局域肖特基势垒对ZnO纳米线电输运特性的调制机制这一基本科学问题,对这些因素之间的耦合机制进行解释。这些工作不仅能够进一步的完善ZnO纳米体系电学特性方面的研究,而且对于开发拥有核心自主知识产权的纳米传感器具有重要的实验研究价值。
中文关键词: 局域肖特基势垒;ZnO纳米线;电输运特性;纳米传感器;调制机制
英文摘要: One-dimensional nano-structure system plays a very important role in optoelectronic devices and integrated circuit, and becomes the forefront of nanotechnology recently. Owing to the fact that the Schottky barrier between nano-structure and metal contact is the functional basis of many optoelectronic devices, the modulation mechanism of Schottky barrier on the electric transport characteristic of devices have been paid more attentions gradually. Localized Schottky barrier near the surface of nano-structures also could largely affect their electrical properties, but has not been investigated systematicly even in international scope. This proposal plans to introduce localized Schottky barrier via depositing high work function metal nanoparticles on the surface of ZnO nanowire, and use the localized Schottky barrier to integrate electrical, optical and mechanical aspects. In addition, through quantitative researching the modulation mechanism of the localized Schottky barrier on the electric transport characteristic of ZnO nanowires, the coupling mechanism among them will be explained. This proposal could not only fulfil the research of ZnO nano-structure system's electrical properties further, but also has important experimental value in developing nansensor with core intellectual property.
英文关键词: localized Schottky barrier;ZnO nanowire;electric transport characteristic;nanosensor;modulation mechanism