项目名称: 基于ADP/ATP运载蛋白调控香蕉果实后熟的机理研究
项目编号: No.31301821
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 云泽
作者单位: 中国科学院华南植物园
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 能量代谢在香蕉果实采后衰老过程中扮演着关键的调控角色。ADP/ATP carriers (AACs)是能量物质的运载蛋白,负责把线粒体中合成的能量物质运送到胞质及其他细胞器中。多数运载蛋白的表达均受组蛋白修饰调节,且组蛋白乙酰化修饰参与了香蕉果实后熟进程的调控。然而,到目前为止对于AACs及其组蛋白乙酰化修饰对香蕉后熟进程的调控作用的认识还不清楚。本项目中,分别从基因和蛋白质表达水平分析香蕉果实后熟过程中特异表达的AACs,并且利用AACs活性抑制剂处理香蕉果实分析AACs对能量代谢及果实后熟的影响。同时通过解析HDACs的靶基因和与之相互作用的蛋白质,阐明HDACs对AACs及能量代谢的调控方式和调节机制;研究结果可以揭示AACs及其组蛋白乙酰化修饰对香蕉果实后熟进程的调节方式,同时为开发香蕉后熟调控的新型保鲜技术提供新的思路。
中文关键词: 香蕉果实;自然后熟;能量代谢;能量运载蛋白;调控机制
英文摘要: Energy metabolism plays a key regulatory role in fruit ripening. The ADP/ATP carriers (AACs) catalyze a favored counter exchange of cytosolic ADP with matrix ATP and, therefore, enables the mitochondria to supply the cytosol, and subsequently other organelles, with energy. The expression of most transporters could be regulated by histone modifications, and the histone acetylation modifications involved in banana ripening.However, little information was shown, how AACs and their histone acetylation modification works in banana ripening. In the present project, AACs will be detected during banana ripening at both mRNA and protein level, and the effect of AACs expression on energy metabolism and fruit ripening will be evaluated using AACs inhibitors treated banana fruit. In addition, the mechanism of HDACs in regulation of AACs and energy metabolism will be analyzed by finding the target genes and interacted proteins of HDACs. The results can reveal the mechanism of AACs and their histone acetylation in regulation of the banana ripening, and can provide new idea to develop postharvest preservation techniques.
英文关键词: banana fruit;ripening;energy metabolism;ADP/ATP carriers;regulatory mechanism