项目名称: 微纳结构和新颖超材料中的非对称光学传输
项目编号: No.11504336
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 高华
作者单位: 中国地质大学(北京)
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 一种特殊的光学传输现象——非对称传输(AT-asymmetric transmission)由于其在信息处理上的突出作用,成为近期光学研究的一个热点。传统实现AT需采用磁光材料、非线性材料在强磁场、强电场作用下打破时间反演对称性从而实现光路的不可逆,对材料、场强、装置要求都比较高,且不易集成。本项目拟在光学互易原理(reciprocal theorem)成立的情况下,基于通道效应,研究具有光学AT的特殊微纳结构及新型超材料,揭示其物理机制并设计光学单透器件。主要内容包括:1、基于表面等离激元的金属微纳结构的AT特性研究;2、基于零折射率材料界面处Snell定律的特殊表现以及波前整形特性的AT现象研究;3、基于双曲超材料非对称结构以及双曲梯度折射率材料的AT特性研究。以期在开拓新的AT机制、拓宽单透频谱、提高单透质量三个方面有所突破。
中文关键词: 非对称光学传输;单向透射;表面等离子体;零折射率;双曲超材料
英文摘要: Asymmetric transmission(AT), as one kind of unique optical transmission phenomenon, becomes an intense optical issue because of its outstanding role in optical information processing. The traditional AT is usually achieved by breaking the time reversal symmetry using magneto-optical, nonlinear materials to achieve nonreciprocal optical transmission under strong magnetic field or electric field. However, these methods need special materials, strong electric/magnetic field, complex installations which are hard to be integrated. In this project, with remaining the reciprocal theorem, based on the channel effect, we will investigate some micro/nano structures and novel Metamaterials which possess AT potentials, reveal the AT physical mechanism and design optical unidirectional transmission(UDT) elements. The detailed research contents include: 1. the AT property based on surface Plasmon polaritons in micro/nano metallic structures; 2. the AT property based on the special behaviors of the Snell law and the wave-front shaping of the zero-refractive index materials; 3. the AT property of hyperbolic Metamaterials' asymmetric structures and hyperbolic gradient index Metamaterials. We attempt to make breakthroughs in exploiting new AT mechanisms, broadening the frequency band and improving the qualities of the optical UDT elements.
英文关键词: asymmetric optical transmission;unidirectional transmission;surface plasmon polaritons;zero-refractive index;hyperbolic Metamaterials