项目名称: 除草剂胁迫下油菜生长生理与根系形态变化机理和无损检测方法研究
项目编号: No.31201137
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 刘飞
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 油菜是我国主要的粮油作物,油菜田杂草防治是制约油菜高效安全生产的关键因素,也是油菜数字化、精细化生产和管理的重要内容。除草剂在高效除草的同时,其作用机理和安全性评价的研究已成为重点研究方向,具有重要的科学意义和研究价值。本研究以探明除草剂胁迫下油菜生命信息动态响应规律为主线,将油菜植株的地上冠层-叶片信息和地下根系-根尖形态结构的胁迫响应特性两条路径相结合,应用光谱和机器视觉技术研究油菜地上区域冠层特征指数(宏观尺度)和叶片生理信息(微观尺度)的动态反演规律、无损检测方法和模型,应用核磁共振成像和显微成像技术研究油菜地下区域根系形态重构(宏观尺度)和根尖结构判别(微观尺度)的方法和模型,并建立油菜冠层-叶片信息与根系形态结构的相互关系,以实现除草剂胁迫下油菜生长生理和根系形态变化的动态监测和高效安全生产,对探明除草剂的作用机理、代谢规律和安全性评价具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 油菜;光谱成像;核磁共振成像;生理信息检测;根系
英文摘要: Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is one of the most important grain and oil crops. The control of weed is the key restrictive factors of rapeseed high efficient and safe production, and the significant content of the digitalization, precision production and management. The mechanism study and safety evaluation of the herbicide with high control weed performance are the key issues, which has an important scientific and research value. Based on the mainline of proving the dynamic response rules of oilseed rape growing information under herbicide stress, we combine two research routines by the overground canopy-leaf stress response and underground root morphology and tip stress response. The dynamic inverse rules, detection methods and models will be developed for the canopy feature index (macro scale) and leaf physiological information (micro scale) using spectral and machine vision technology. The discrimination methods and models will be developed for the root morphology reconstruction (macro scale) and root-tip structure recognition (micro scale) using magnetic resonance imaging and microscopy imaging technology. The relationship between the canopy-leaf response and root morphology-tip construction response will also be studied. This study will realize the dynamic monitoring of growing information and root morp
英文关键词: Oilseed rape;spectral imaging;magnetic resonance imaging;physiological information detection;root