项目名称: 多重信息条件下基于个体行为的交通信息服务策略研究
项目编号: No.71271150
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 马寿峰
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 56万元
中文摘要: 交通信息服务的快速发展使得出行者的日常出行处于多渠道、多类型、多内容的多重信息影响之下,多重信息对日常出行、道路的状况有哪些影响,信息应当如何发布,是当前交通管理中需要细化解决的问题。本申请项目将微观层面的个体行为研究与宏观层次的群体规律研究相结合,从研究出行者个体在多重信息下重复进行的路径选择行为出发,通过问卷调查和模拟实验等实证方法,探索个体的路径选择决策与反馈学习过程;建立多重信息作用下的出行者个体Agent模型,分析多重信息影响下路网中出行量在各条路径分布的变化规律;在此基础上,从管理者的角度,设计交通信息的制定和优化发布策略,使得路网中各条路径的出行量分布沿着最好的轨迹演化到管理者所期望的状态;同时揭示冗余或低质量交通信息可能的负面影响,对交通信息服务的健康发展,提出政策建议。本课题研究为提高交通信息服务的有效性,规范其发展,缓解城市交通拥堵问题提供理论依据和决策支持。
中文关键词: 多重信息;路径选择行为;社会交互;网络交通流演化模型;信息诱导
英文摘要: Traffic information service is undergoing rapid development. The route choice behavior of travelers are now influenced by multi-channel, multi-type information services with different content influence. The problem that needs to be urgently solved is the impact of multiply traffic information on daily trip, network traffic dynamics and how to publish traffic information. This project aims to combine the research from both individual behavior and macro-level group trip rule. We are going to conduct a series of surveys and simulation experiments, from the point of recursive route choice behavior under multiply information, trying to investigate individuals' route choice decision and feedback learning process; Individuals' traffic behavior agent model should be built under multiply information in order to analyze network route flow evolution in case of multiply information. Based on this, designing traffic information construction and publish strategy helps leading the route flow evolution into an expected state from a perspective of transportation authorities. Meanwhile, impact of redundancy or low-quality traffic information should be revealed. Policy recommendation should be offered for the healthy development of traffic information service. This research offers decision support and basis for improving traffic
英文关键词: Multi-Infomation;Route choice behavior;Social interaction;Network flow evolution model;information-based guidance