项目名称: 面向用户体验的无线异构软件定义网络资源管理研究
项目编号: No.61502075
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 宁兆龙
作者单位: 大连理工大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 软件定义网络通过控制平面抽象进而屏蔽数据平面的异构性,已成为学术界的研究热点。传统网络资源分配方式忽视个体社会关联和用户感受,无法有效地满足异构网络用户的通信需求,本课题研究面向用户体验的软件定义无线异构网络资源管理机制,内容包括:1)针对节点社会属性建模、基于双边拍卖的中继选择和节点移动轨迹预测研究面向用户社会关联的转发机制,目标是提高异构网络链路连通性和用户体验质量;2)基于主观和客观指标的体验质量建模、采用深度学习对体验质量进行一体化描述,目标在于将评价指标的数据维度和复杂程度随网络规模扩大迅速上升的特性与快速计算紧密结合;3)通过设计节点接入方案和网络资源共享机制对面向用户体验的软件定义无线异构网络资源管理进行研究,目标是扩大网络通信范围,保证用户高效接入网络并获得较好的体验质量。项目研究成果对于缓解用户飞速增长和数据海量增加带来的频带资源日益稀缺问题具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 异构;社会关联;用户体验;软件定义网络;资源管理
英文摘要: By abstracting control plane to shield the heterogeneity in data plane, Software Defined Network (SDN) is becoming a research hotspot. Conventional resource allocation methods ignore individual association and user experience, which results in communication requirements in heterogeneous networks can not be satisfied efficiently. This project studies user experience-oriented resource management in SDN-based heterogeneous networks, which includes: 1) by considering node social attribute modeling, double auction-based relay node selection and node movement trace prediction, this project studies social association-oriented forwarding method, aiming at increasing link connectivity and user experience in heterogeneous networks; 2) through integrating both subjective and objective factors of user experience, this project utilizes deep learning mechanism to describe user experience in a uniform fashion, with the target of tightly combining the increasing data dimension and complexity as network size enhances with rapid calculation; 3) by conducting node access control and resource sharing schemes, this project studies user experience-oriented resource management in SDN-based wireless heterogeneous networks, with the objective of enlarging communication area, so that different clients can access into network effectively and obtain satisfying network experience. This project has important theoretical significance and application value to alleviate the ever-increasing scarcity of spectrum resource brought as the amounts of user and network data increase sharply.
英文关键词: heterogeneous;social association;user experience;SDN;resource management