项目名称: 具有三维多孔微纳结构的导电聚合物对减缓DNA在纳米孔中传输速度的影响研究
项目编号: No.51503206
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 王赟姣
作者单位: 中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 针对固态纳米孔DNA测序技术中DNA过孔速度过快的关键技术难题,本项目提出以“三维多孔微纳结构导电聚合物-氮化硅固态纳米孔”复合结构来减缓并控制DNA在固态纳米孔中传输速度的设计思路,通过改变不同传输参数条件(电压、电解质溶液和温度等),研究DNA在导电聚合物层-纳米孔复合结构中的传输行为,构建物理模型,阐明导电聚合物形成的三维多孔微纳结构及与DNA间的静电作用力对减缓DNA通过纳米孔速度的影响机制及相互作用关系。本项目研究结果将为提高基于固态纳米孔技术的DNA测序技术、生物分子和长链聚合物检测技术等领域的灵敏度和可靠性,促进其实际应用,提供理论基础、基础实验数据和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 固态纳米孔;导电聚合物;传输;减慢;多孔微纳结构
英文摘要: In Solid-state nanopore DNA sequencing technique, to control the speed of the translocation of DNA is one of the most challenging prospect. This project aims to solve this problem by fabricate an composite structure that includes a layer of conductive polymer with micro-nano porous structure on the Si3N4 membrane. The layer of conductive polymer with micro-nano porous structure is believed can slow the translocation speed of DNA molecule during the translocation process. By modifying the experiment parameters (voltage, electrolyte concentration and temperature etc.), analysing the translocation behaviour of DNA molecule and to build a physical model, this project can explain how the conducting polymer with micro-nano porous structure can slow the translocation speed of the DNA through the nanopore. The research result of this project will increase the precision of solid-state nanopore DNA sequencing technique and the detection of biomolecule and long chain polymer, hence can accelerate the development of practical application and provide theoretical foundation, experimental data and technology support for future study.
英文关键词: solid-state nanopore;conducting polymer;translocation;slowing down;micro-nano porous structure