项目名称: 云计算环境下面向SaaS多租户的可伸缩数据放置关键问题研究
项目编号: No.61303085
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 孔兰菊
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: SaaS应用以其"单实例多租赁"的软件交付特点,可为多个组织提供具有共性的软件服务,为组织和个人带来了极大便利。云计算的出现,解决了多租户应用发展过程中面临的基础设施投资成本问题,但同时也给多租户数据管理带来了新的挑战。由于云计算处于多租户应用的更底层,SaaS位于云计算和租户之间,这使得现有云数据放置模型无法感知各租户的业务特征,多租户数据放置问题已成为制约云计算产业发展的关键问题之一。本项目拟结合租户数据多节点分布、多副本放置、动态伸缩的需求,针对其按需租赁、资源共享等特点,从支持SaaS多租户的数据存储模型、面向租户业务特征的数据分割与副本策略、基于SLA的租户数据动态迁移等多个方面进行探索研究,以提供一种可伸缩的数据动态放置模型,从而实现云环境下的负载平衡,提高多租户应用的运行效率及租户体验,降低云环境运行成本。项目成果可为多租户应用提供统一的数据放置管理,有效提升云应用服务水平。
中文关键词: 多租户;数据放置;云计算;SaaS应用;
英文摘要: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model has been gaining more and more convenient for organizations and person to get shared software service based on its characteristic "Single Instance Multi-tenancy". The cloud computing, which greatly reduces the infrastructural investment for multi-tenant application, takes new challenges to multi-tenant data management. One of the most significant challenge is multi-tenant data placement. Because cloud computing is placed on the lower layer of multi-tenant application, the cloud data placement model knows nothing of the service features of tenant and could not give an effective data placement policy. For the requirement of multi-tenant dynamic data placement on the distribute data nodes and the characteristics of "single Instance Multi-tenancy", this project bases on the SaaS multi-tenant data storage and tenant data partition and data replica policy, providing an elastic dynamic data placement model, which could balance the load of cloud and increase the tenant application efficiency as well as reduce the cloud running cost.This project could provide unified data placement management for multi-tenant and effectively improve the cloud application service level.
英文关键词: Multi Tenant;Data Placement;Cloud Computing;SaaS Application;