项目名称: 基于云计算的高稳定树推式应用层组播研究
项目编号: No.61472230
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 顾卫东
作者单位: 山东省科学院
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 基于树结构的应用层组播即树推式应用层组播是一种非常重要的组播技术。应用层组播转发树节点为普通的群组成员主机,其固有的动态性导致数据转发具有难以克服的不稳定特性,在很大程度上限制了树推式应用层组播的发展。针对上述情况,本项目拟研究基于云计算的高稳定树推式应用层组播。这种新型组播以云作为数据存储/发布平台,利用分布在不同地理位置的云虚拟机协助数据转发,将整个组播群组的数据分发问题转换为群组子集的数据分发和云虚拟机间的数据分发,以此在结构层面上实现树推式应用层组播稳定性的显著提高,同时改善其整体组播性能。进一步地,研究基于云计算的、适应群组动态性的稳定增强方法,对应用层组播转发树的不稳定问题实施有效控制。本项目也研究基于云计算的应用层组播转发树结构集中式优化方法,对稳定性等组播性能进行有效的优化。项目研究成果可为高稳定树推式应用层组播提供新的理论与技术支撑,具有重要的研究意义和实践价值。
中文关键词: 云计算;应用层组播;服务质量;数据分发
英文摘要: Tree-based application layer multicast (ALM), i.e., tree-push ALM, is a very important multicast technique. The nodes of the ALM tree are common group member hosts. Member hosts' inherent dynamics results in the instability of the data distribution, which is difficult to be resolved. The instability seriously restricts the development of the tree-push ALM. To address the above problem, this project attempts to study high-stable tree-push application layer multicast based on cloud computing. This novel multicast uses cloud as the data storing and publishing platform, and uses cloud virtual machines (VMs) in different locations to assist the multicast data distribution. The data distribution of a multicast group includes two parts, i.e., the data distribution in some subsets of the group and the data distribution among cloud virtual machines. Therefore the stability of the whole data distribution is obviously improved. In addition, the VM-assisted data distribution also can improve the whole multicast performance. This project will further study the stability enhancing way based on the cloud computing, to effectively address the instability of the ALM tree with the capability of adapting to the dynamics of the multicast group. This project also studies the centralized ALM tree optimization way based on cloud computing, to effectively optimize the multicast performance (including the stability). The expected research achievements can provide new theoretical and technical supports for the high-stable tree-push application layer multicast, which has important significance and practical value.
英文关键词: Cloud computing;Application layer multicast;Quality of service;Data distribution