项目名称: 矿山信息物理系统状态感知的实时通信理论与方法
项目编号: No.51504255
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 李松
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着矿山智能开采、无人化开采等技术的发展,矿山生产过程中需要对环境信息、设备状态动态感知以及对生产装备实时控制,要求矿山信息系统具备复杂环境下实时通信的能力。本课题从矿山信息物理系统的角度研究矿山生产信息感知、数据传输及智能控制过程中的实时通信问题。传统通信技术(编码、调制等)针对文本、语音等数据业务设计以提高通信速率、时延等QoS指标,未考虑信息物理系统通信的数据属性和控制性能。本课题针对矿山复杂环境下信息物理系统实时通信问题,在深入分析矿山生产中状态感知数据特性和生产装备实时控制行为的基础上,建立复杂环境下信息物理系统通信模型,解决信息物理系统状态感知的编解码,控制—通信协同的自适应调制等科学问题,并搭建矿山信息物理系统实验仿真平台验证编解码、调制解调算法性能,奠定矿山信息物理系统的理论和工程技术基础,为智慧矿山的建设提供有力的理论和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 矿山信息物理系统;实时通信;动态感知编码;自适应调制
英文摘要: With the development of intelligent mining and unmanned mining, the mine information system need to aware the environment information and device states dynamically and to control equipment. Thus the real-time communication is required under complex environment in coal mine. The real-time communication of sensing information and control information is studied from a cyber-physical system perspective in this project. Traditional communication technologies, such as coding and modulation, are designed for pure data communications and are inefficient for controlling the physical dynamics in cyber physical systems. To solve the real time communication problem in mine safety production, the data generate mechanism and control requirement are analyzed firstly. The system model of cyber-physical system under complex environment is established. Then this project analyzes and develops physical dynamics aware coding and adaptive modulation by control-communication co-optimization to achieve real-time and reliable communication under channel constraint in cyber-physical system. A simulation platform is established to verify the performance of our research result. By the research of this project, the theory and technology foundation of cyber-physical system for mine can be established.
英文关键词: cyber-physical system for mine;real-time communication;dynamics aware coding;adaptive modulation