项目名称: 基于光流控技术的光子晶体光纤长周期光栅纳米双层薄膜传感器对甲烷快速灵敏检测研究
项目编号: No.61271059
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 杨建春
作者单位: 重庆大学
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 监测矿井甲烷浓度是预防瓦斯事故发生的最有效手段,其监测结果对确保煤矿安全生产意义重大。针对目前基于笼形分子的高选择性光纤甲烷传感器存在响应速度慢、灵敏度低等问题,提出采用光流控技术在光子晶体光纤包层空气孔内壁形成快速响应的裸露笼形分子/聚硅氧烷纳米双层薄膜和制作高耦合效率的光子晶体光纤长周期光栅(PCF-LPG)甲烷传感器,从而建立一种响应速度快、灵敏度高的折射率变化型PCF-LPG甲烷传感新方法。①分析PCF-LPG甲烷传感机理,建立传感器谐振波长与PCF结构参数、LPG光栅参数、纳米双层薄膜参数、甲烷浓度等参量间传感方程;②研究光流控技术在PCF包层空气孔内壁共价键合聚硅氧烷、笼形分子以形成笼形分子裸露的纳米双层薄膜新方法;③研究加压载气作用下CO2激光脉冲写入法制作高耦合效率PCF-LPG甲烷传感器方法;④评价传感器响应速度、灵敏度、检出限等特性,探索传感器检测现场甲烷样品可行性。
中文关键词: 光子晶体光纤长周期光栅;甲烷传感器;局域耦合模理论;笼形分子;敏感膜折射率
英文摘要: Monitoring methane concentration is one of the most effective methods for preventing the gas accident in coal mines. The obtained detection results play an important role in the coal mine safety. In previous studies, in despite of good selectivity, the optical fiber methane sensors based on complexation effect of cryptophane molecules, have some shortcomings such as slow response and low sensitivity etc. To address these problem, this project develops a fast response and sensitive photonic crystal fiber long-period grating(PCF-LPG) methane sensor based on refractive index change of nano-bilayer films formed by optofluidic technology. The nano-bilayer films are composed of bare cryptophane and polysiloxane coated on the inner surface of cladding air holes in photonic crystal fiber (PCF), and a long-period grating (LPG) with high coupling efficiency in photonic crystal fiber is inscribed by high-frequency CO2 laser pulses method under some pressure carrier gas condition. ①The sensing mechanism of PCF-LPG methane sensor is analyzed. The sensing equation involving the resonant wavelength of sensor, the structure parameters of PCF, the LPG grating parameters, the parameters of nano-bilayer films, methane concentration etc., is estabished. ②The new method to form nano-bilayer films on the inner surface of cladding air
英文关键词: Photonic crystal fiber long period grating;Methane sensor;Coupled local mode theory;Cryptophanes;Refractive index of sensing film