项目名称: 浅水中污染物模型的保正WENO格式及其快速算法
项目编号: No.11201254
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李刚
作者单位: 青岛大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 浅水中污染物模型的现有数值方法不能保持水体深度与污染物浓度同时为正,难以处理干/湿界面以及污染物浓度接近于零的极端情形,而且针对解的光滑区域不具备高阶精度,此外在强间断附近亦缺乏高分辨属性。近年来兴起的具有保正属性的高精度数值方法为浅水中污染物模型的数值模拟提供了新思路。为了开展高效的数值模拟,本项目将以污染物模型为研究对象,以申请人针对污染物模型的前期研究以及贴体网格的预实验结果为基础,基于非结构网格提出一种改进的有限体积WENO格式,保持一般源项与对流项之间的精确平衡,保持水体深度与污染物浓度同时为正,获得高阶精度与高分辨属性,同时拥有更高的计算效率,更好地满足实际问题的需求。本项目的科学意义在于以新的视角揭示浅水中污染物的运动规律,深入阐明其输运过程的复杂机理,研究成果将进一步丰富计算流体力学领域的理论与方法,同时为水资源保护提供新的思路与技术支持,且在生态保护领域亦有潜在应用前景。
中文关键词: 污染物模型;保正;WENO 格式;非结构网格;快速算法
英文摘要: The existing numerical methods for pollutant models in shallow water can not preserve the water depth and pollutant concentration to be positive simultaneously,which is difficult to handle the dry/wet interface and the very low pollutant concentration,and do not have high oder accuracy in the smooth region,lack high resolution property near the strong discontinuity at the same time.In recent years, a growing high order positivity-preserving numerical methods provide us with a new perspective for the numerical simulation about the pollutant models in shallow water. In order to carry out more efficient numerical simulation,this project deals with the study of pollutant models, based on the applicant's fundamental research on pollutant model and on body-fitted meshes. The applicant propose a improved finite volume WENO schemes based on unstructured meshes,which can maintain the exact balance between the general source term and the advection term, mainmain the water depth and the pollutant concentration to be positive simultaneously, obtain high order accuracy and high resolution property, enjoy higher computational efficiency. The scientific interest of this project is to uncover the pollutant's motion laws in shallow water from a new angle of view, profoundly clarify the complex mechanism of the pollutant transpo
英文关键词: pollutant model;positivity-perserving;WENO schemes;unstructured meshes;fast algorithm