项目名称: 面向市场的数据中心虚拟网络映射及重配置关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61300195
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 王聪
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 作为云计算的底层基础设施,灵活的多租赁运营机制是市场环境下数据中心及其服务用户的最迫切需求,这一需求要通过虚拟化技术来实现。目前所需各种基础虚拟化技术已经较成熟,但是从用户角度考虑以虚拟网络为单位的控制管理手段还不够完善,尤其是在控制管理步骤上缺乏连贯性,导致了资源多租赁问题还无法获得良好的整体性解决方案。为此本项目在借鉴已有通用虚拟网络映射、调度等技术的基础上,结合市场环境下用户和数据中心多方的实际需求,合理运用博弈、隐马尔可夫预测等理论,将虚拟网络映射及重配置看成资源租赁的统一整体进行深入研究。项目将重点研究解决三个关键问题:(1)用户虚拟网络请求的排队调度问题;(2)面向市场竞争的由用户、数据中心多方参与的资源租赁竞价博弈问题;(3)动态虚拟网络映射与重配置及其结合问题;初步建立较完整的数据中心虚拟资源多租赁管理模型,为未来数据中心在运营弹性及资源优化分配等方面提供技术储备。
中文关键词: 网络虚拟化;虚拟资源分配;虚拟网络映射;虚拟资源拍卖;资源博弈模型
英文摘要: As the underlying infrastructure of cloud computing, flexible multi-tenant mechanism is the most urgent need for data center and it's users in current cloud computing market environment. This can be realized by leveraging virtualization technology. The required basic virtualization technology has been mature. However, the control management method from user perspective and in terms of virtual network is not enough perfect. Especially, the current approaches lack of consistency in control steps. It is still unable to get a good solution for virtual resource multi-tenancy problem in modern data centers. For the above situation, leveraging the existing technology of universal virtual network embedding and scheduling, this project will focus on key technology on virtual network embedding and reconfiguration and look at both of the art as a unified whole issue of virtual resource rent problem. Based game theory, hidden Markov model and queuing theory, this project will focus on research to address three key issues: (1) Queue scheduling problem for users' virtual network request; (2) Market competing oriented resource rent bidding game which is participated by users and data center owner; (3) Dynamic virtual network embedding and reconfiguration algorithms and their combination problems; The project will eventually es
英文关键词: network Virtualization;virtual resource allocation;virtual network embedding;virtual resource auction;game model of resource allocation